CSI全称Concours de Saut International(即国际马术比赛),是场地障碍马术比赛级别体制。所有CSI赛事均由马术运动的国际管理机构(FEI——国际马术联合会)许可。CSI赛事以星级划分,即难度越有挑战性,设立奖金越丰厚,那么星数则越多。
What is "CSI"?
Concours de Saut International is a ranking system for the equestrian competition show jumping. All CSI events are approved by the international governing body of equestrian sport, the FEI.
The CSI is broken down into a starring system, where more competitive events with more prize money have a higher number of stars. Starring goes from 1 to 5.
CSI*****: Prize money 500,000+ (CHF), (equivalent to approx. £250,000 (sterling), approx. $450,000 (USD)). Horses must be at least 7 years old.
CSI****: Prize money from 250,000 to 499,999 CHF. Horses must be at least 7 years old.
CSI***: Prize money 100,000 to 249,999 CHF. Horses must be at least 7 years old.
CSI**: Prize money 50,000 to 99,999 CHF. Max. height 1.45m. Horses at least 6 years old.
CSI*: Prize money 49,999 CHF or lower. Max height: 1.40m. Horses at least 6 years old.
Additionally, speed and height may vary between competitions. For the Nations cup held outdoors, 4* and 5* competitions must ride 400 per minute, 375 mpm for 3* competition, and 350 for 1* and 2* competition. All indoor competitions are ridden at 350 mpm.