大陆赛马网 > 新闻 > 国际新闻 > 第三届马电影节在纽约盛大开幕


2015-11-20 14:00:22 来源:Equnews

一年一度的马电影节(Equus Film Festival)于今天在纽约落下帷幕,一直持续到22日,在三天的电影盛宴里,聚集了许多马匹及它们的骑士们,电影的导演,演员及其他工作人员。

马电影节(Equus Film Festival)是由Lisa Diersen于2013年在美国伊利诺斯州的圣查尔斯(St Charles ,Illinois, USA)创立的,之后逐渐壮大并搬到纽约继续发展,向人们展示好的电影,视觉艺术及文学,提高人们对马的认知。正是基于马电影节这个平台,才让更多的电影得到国际的认可,受到更多人的喜爱。

马电影节(Equus Film Festival)发言人说:“我们始终相信电影是描述一个故事最引人入胜的方式,因此我们让故事的叙述者来分享他们独特的故事并制作成电影。将电影节搬到纽约这个世界的中心来也是为了让各行各业的人们了解到这些振奋人心的故事。”


It’s this time of year again when the horses and their equestrians take over New York City! The Equus Film Festival will be in NYC on November 20-22, 2015 with many films, plus artists from all corners of the world and over 30 authors, as well as many speakers.

The Equus Film Festival was founded in 2013 in St Charles ,Illinois, USA by avid equestrian, Lisa Diersen. Since then, it has grown in numbers and moved to NYC to continue showcasing some of the world’s best in film, visual art and literature and raise awareness about some of the horse world most pressing cases. Thanks to the Equus Film Festival, many films have also gained International recognition and distribution.

“We believe that film holds the power to experience a story in the most compelling way. Therefore we empower storytellers to share their unique stories in the most optimal setting, a movie theater. Placing the festival in the capital of the world, New York City, where people from all walks of life can enjoy these inspiring stories.”-Equus Film Festival


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