Page 129 - Majestic Vol 6
P. 129
NEW RACING TRADITION Watching full throttle race events amid the gentle breeze
DSH Caribbean Star Limited, the firm responsible for this and beautiful mountain landscape, and then heading to
large scale integrated development, has commenced the the mountain or seaside to enjoy the surroundings is what
first phase of the project. With TAK Design Consultancy, living la dolce vita – an Italian saying meaning “the sweet
the architect of the world’s most magnificent racecourse, life” – is all about.
the Meydan Racecourse in Dubai, behind it, St Lucia can
expect a grand finished article. 岛国速度赛事新风尚
The racecourse will include a racetrack of international 大 漠 加 勒比 海之 星 控 股有限 公司作 为此 大 型 综合 性 开发项目
standards, grandstand, stables and quarantine facility. 发展商,已着手进行第一阶段工程A 址赛马场的兴建。作为主
According to the plan, the tracks at the St Lucia Racecourse 建筑设计师的TAK建筑设计事务所,曾操刀打造全世界最华贵
will be built anti-clockwise, with an outside dirt track 且最大的赛马场——迪拜迈丹赛马场,对于马场建筑专业设计
measuring 1,785m long and by 23m wide, and an inside 信手拈来俱天成。
turf track measuring 1,600m long and 18m wide. The
grandstand follows a simple design plan, with designated 计划兴建的赛马场建 筑包括国际标 准的跑道、马场看台、马
indoor and outdoor viewing areas that will provide full 厩及隔离区域。根 据 规划,兴建中的圣卢西亚马场赛道为逆
functionality and cater to the different needs of the average 时 针方向跑 道,外 围沙 地 赛 道长1,7 8 5 米,宽 2 3 米;内围草 地
racegoers and VIPs. The grandstand can accommodate 赛道长1,60 0米,宽18米。马场看台以简约设计出发,主要由
2,000 and can be expanded depending on future expansion 室内与室外两大块区域作划分,充分显示出看台的功能性,满
needs. A temporary grandstand will be setup prior to the 足普通观 众及贵宾不同的观赛需求。马场看台可容纳2,0 0 0
completion of the permanent structure, in order for races to 名观 众,并可根 据未 来的发 展需求而扩建。在永久性马场看
begin once the racetrack is completed. 台完 成 前,将 搭 建一座临 时 看台,让赛 事 可以在 跑 道 完 工 后即
Similar to France’s Deauville Racecourse, the upcoming
St Lucia Racecourse is also located close to the sea. With 圣卢西亚赛马场背山面海,景观 绝佳,纵观国际各大知名赛
the Atlantic Ocean on one side and the hill on the other, 马场,除了法国的多维尔赛 马场临近 海边 之 外,几乎无其他
St Lucia Racecourse will be enveloped in a relaxed and 先 例;圣 卢 西 亚赛 马 场 将 被 笼 罩在一片休闲及惬 意 的 氛 围
pleasant atmosphere. One of the project’s highlights is 里,独家所推出的山间别墅,处于被保留山林高地,更能把马
the exclusive hill-side villas that will be built at a higher 场 及 海 景 全 部 收 入 眼帘,是 这个项目的 其中一大 卖 点。
elevation, providing for sweeping views of the racecourse
and the ocean. 圣卢西亚赛马场一旦在竣工后投 入运作,势必让圣卢西亚在
St Lucia Racecourse will be operational once building 风情无限的速度赛马风景线,力登国际速度赛事的一大卖点,
works are completed, and it will raise the profile of St Lucia 并 协 助当地 经 济 转 型,打造 一 个 全 新的产业链,使岛国上下共
on the world map. What this island country will reveal is a 同受益。
horse racing landscape with limitless charm, which will be
a great selling point in the international horseracing arena. 在凉风习习下,于山峦壮丽秀色美景中观看激情四射的赛事,
This is an industry that will assist in the transformation of 赛后回到 位于山林中或 海 边 别 墅再度一 个小假,美 好 生 活,不
the local economy, bringing with it a whole new industry 过如此。
chain, and ultimately benefiting the nation as a whole.
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