Page 60 - Majestic Vol.03
P. 60

Sheikh Fahad professed to being              Sheikh Fahad with further understanding     time for workouts. As one can imagine,
obsessed with thoroughbred racing. He        of thoroughbred horses.                     the odds of success are slim in these
said, “I became deeply immersed and                                                      circumstances. The result therefore,
addicted to the racing and breeding          S T R AT E G I S E A N D B O L D LY         was beyond expectation. The photo
of horses.” Perhaps the question on          CHARGE FORTH                                finish result showed Dunaden’s nose
everybody’s mind is: Who influenced                                                      touching the finishing line, winning
Sheikh Fahad to foray into the               Sheikh Fahad’s approach to horse racing     the race by a mere millimetre. Sheikh
world of thoroughbred breeding and           is reminiscent of General Tian Ji from      Fahad was elated, and so were his family
racing? Who is instrumental in aiding        the Warring States period in ancient        members who were following the race
Sheikh Fahad in his decision-making          China, who was well known for his           on television and were cheering him on.
process with regards to his bloodstock       horse racing strategies. Sheikh Fahad       The result of this race saw the closest
operation?                                   believes that horse racing is a sport       and most thrilling finish in Melbourne
                                             that requires strategising, “There are      Cup history, and possibly in world
“I do not have a mentor. I choose to learn   many crucial aspects to thoroughbred        history.
and observe on my own accord. After all,     racing that needs consideration. You
when it comes to learning, not everything    need to understand the horse’s pedigree,    To the observer, strategy and luck may
can be taught. At times, having a mentor     temperament and strength. The race          have contributed to the win, but one can
can inhibit learning. When you seek the      track and running style are equally         also see that their victory was guided by
advice of a mentor, you will feel obligated  important in deciding what race to          the bold vision and calm adaptability of
to follow the advice given. Rather than      place a horse in.”                          Sheikh Fahad Al Thani and his team.
relying on someone to teach you, you                                                     It was not all rosy though, as Sheikh
need to listen to your heart.” Having        Horse racing is a battle of wits, in which  Fahad quipped with a laugh, “Facing
come from a prominent family and having      considering all things being equal, the     the uncertainties that we did before the
undergone life’s experiences beyond that     one who makes the least error has the       race gave me sleepless nights!”
of the common man, 26-year-old Sheikh        higher probability of winning. Having
Fahad displays incredible maturity and       won numerous races, winning the             自言是“纯血马痴”的谢赫·法哈德
wisdom beyond his years. During his          Melbourne Cup at his first attempt          说,“研究纯血马让我上瘾。”也许大家
student days, Sheikh Fahad learnt as         remains the most memorable and              都很好奇:谁是那个带领他进入纯血马世
much as he could about the horse racing      thrilling day for Sheikh Fahad. Before      界的名师呢?谁在谢赫·法哈德背后帮助
industry by collecting video footages and    the race, his family members did not        分析有关赛马的一切呢?
data from renowned flat racing events.       hold high hopes for him winning. “I was
“Through systematically observing            relatively inexperienced. Dunaden was       “我没有老师,我选择自己去观察学习。
racing events, I analysed and summarised     shipped from Europe to Australia for        毕竟不是学习所有的事情都需要有老师;
winning strategies, and learnt to judge a    the race, and he was not in top form to     有时拜师反而会是一种障碍,很多时候你
horse’s performance and form. ”              race. Nevertheless, my family gave me       必须听从自己的内心,而不是找一个老
                                             their full support and cheered me on”,      师,因为你会无可避免地陷入必须听从
By the time Sheikh Fahad met up with         recounted Sheikh Fahad. Even though         ‘一个人’指示的迷思。”显赫的家世和
stud manager and bloodstock agent            Dunaden was one of the first horses         非一般的阅历,造就了年方26岁的谢赫·
David Redvers, he had already spent          he had bought, and he had only been         法哈德有着超乎年龄的稳重与睿智。据说
four years researching, observing, and       racing horses for a year, Sheikh Fahad      谢赫·法哈德在念书时期,就以各种著名
learning about the sport. In 2010, upon      was fearless in facing the challenge of a   的国际平地竞速赛事为学习标靶,收集许
Redvers’ advice, Sheikh Fahad bought         top-class race event.                       多视频和资料。“通过系统化地观察各项
his first thoroughbred racehorse and                                                     赛事,我整理及归纳出各种胜出的因素,
made his first foray into the bloodstock     The Melbourne Cup was an extremely          包括马匹的表现与演变。”
business with the formation of Pearl         thrilling victory. Unexpected twist of
Bloodstock. It was time to put Sheikh        events led to Australian jockey Craig       后来,谢赫·法哈德遇上了一位极为
Fahad’s knowledge gained from his            Williams being ruled out of the race        合拍的相马顾问大卫·雷德,2010年
extensive study of thoroughbred racing       through suspension. Sheikh Fahad had        在他的建议下买进人生第一匹纯血马。
and racing strategies into practice, and     to make a last minute decision to fly in    此时谢赫·法哈德已对纯血马有了4年
the partnership with bloodstock agent        substitute French jockey Christopher        的观察研究,也是他进军纯血马产业的
David Redvers, gave him the opportunity      Lemaire, who touched down in                第一步。如果自学是在修练自身对解读
to do just that. Redvers, with his years     Melbourne barely 24 hours before the        赛马的谋略,那么与大卫·雷德(David
of experience and expertise in the           race. Lemaire piloted Dunaden for           Redvers)的搭档,就是学会辨别纯血马
bloodstock business, was able to provide     the first time in the race event, with no   的生理与特色,也就是从策略研究进入相

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