Page 62 - Majestic Vol.03
P. 62
RATIONAL BUSINESS THINKING “Apart from winning, the greatest joy in Success is to play to
horse racing, I feel, is the camaraderie one’s strength, and to build
Asked if he has affection for one it brings.” Due to Sheikh Fahad’s on that strength — this
particular horse, or if there is one that impressive achievements, his family principle applies to both
he is most unwilling to part with, members gave him authority to oversee human and horse.
Sheikh Fahad solemnly replied, “I love the running of these operations. Under
thoroughbreds, but I am also a trader. the helm of the young and visionary 生意必须理性分析
You cannot rely on emotions to run an Sheik Fahad, they have built stables 当问及谢赫·法哈德对旗下哪一匹马情
operation. You need to use your head, worldwide, with horses training in 有独锺,又或者有没有最不能割舍的马?
and be rational and critical,” pointing Britain, New Zealand, Australia, “我爱纯血马,但同时我也是在经营一
at his head to emphasise this point. France, Germany, and Japan, and this 门生意。做生意,不能只靠心,还要靠头
This explains his bold philosophy when list is set to grow. 脑去理性分析。”谢赫·法哈德的表情俨
investing in a horse that he likes, and 然,强调式地指了指自己的头,所以这也
why he is happy to sell when a high- It has been a meteoric rise to 解释了他为何对相中的马匹大胆投资,对
profile winner reaches its targeted international prominence for Sheikh 表现出色的马匹在达到既定的投资回报后
return. In other words, there is none Fahad, who admitted that one of 可以毫不犹豫地转让。换言之,在他眼中
that he is unable to let go. What he the greatest lessons learnt is that of 没有最放不下的,只有最具潜质的良驹,
is truly interested in, is identifying patience. “This is a long term business 以及各种可能的策略变化。
talented thoroughbreds, and developing investment. There are no short cuts, and 和一般马主不同,出身显贵的谢赫·法哈
various possible strategies to win races. 90% of the time you will face defeat. 德的眼光不仅仅是落在赛马场上,而是放
You need to be patient to achieve that 眼纯血马在全世界的关键上游产业,那就
Unlike other horse owners, Sheikh 10% of success and returns. Everybody 是育马和驯马,这也是纯血马产业中盈
Fahad does not set his sights solely on makes mistakes, and I am no exception
race horsing. He takes a broader view to that. However, we must learn through
of the industry worldwide, with regards our mistakes. It is also essential to draw
to the upstream process of breeding on the experiences of others. You need
and training of thoroughbred horses. to be calm and collected. I felt that my
This process is the most profitable tolerance level has increased over the
aspect of the thoroughbred industry, years. I firmly believe that patience is
and it involves the purchasing of the key (to success).”
bloodstock, training them for races and
successful wins, building up top class Sheikh Fahad Al Thani is optimistic
studs, and guiding the next generation about the growth and future of the horse
of thoroughbred talents to achieve racing industry in China. Apart from
their potential. This industrial chain infrastructure requirement being met,
has tremendous opportunities and he hopes to see the races benefit from
challenges, and it is an area that Sheikh increased sponsorship and prize money,
Fahad is currently focusing on. as these will help the industry become
more mature. Education and training
“If you ask me what my objective in is especially important, to ensure that
the thoroughbred horse industry is, it thoroughbred racing goes from strength
is to be the world’s top class breeder, to strength.
and at the same time, to encourage
more people to join the industry, be “Victory happens when you cross the
they horse trainers, or jockeys. I hope finishing line before others.” Success
to make a contribution to growing the however, is knowing which horse to
industry, by bringing in more people, place on the track. In strategising, from
creating interest and raising the quality horse selection to stallion training, or in
of the racing and bloodstock industry.” planning and positioning, when dealing
with business operations, Sheikh Fahad
BROAD VIEW OF THE BREEDING EMPIRE opined, “Success is to play to one’s
strength, and to build on that strength
Pearl Bloodstock was established in — this principle applies to both human
2010, and this was followed by joint and horse.”
ventures with family members to form
Qatar Racing and Qatar Bloodstock.