Page 16 - Majestic Vol4
P. 16
of Dreams
梦 想 ,
In a recent conversation with an elderly approach is being taken to promoting 示,在赛马场上,他不是赢得了金钱,而
gent, we spoke about dreams and how the region’s many assets as well as to 是赢得了自己的人生。而今年已90高龄的
dreams have driven mankind to new levels encouraging the creation of new industries. 他,站在自己所创下人生高峰,细细品尝
of creativity and excellence. It is a belief not One of which is the horse industry – both 梦想所带来的美好果实。
dissimilar to a mantra uttered by Mr Teo racing and breeding. The inclusion of the 而在鄂尔多斯这座城市,我们同样感受到
Ah Khing, Chairman of the China Horse CECF Ordos into the Third International 无限的热情及梦想;第三届国际那达慕大
Club. Mr Teo says “When we dream Nadamu is further testament to a forward 会及CECF国际驭马文化节的筹委,都朝向
alone, it is only a dream. When we dream planning government that understands 同一个理念奔去;用激情向全世界展现鄂
together it is the beginning of reality.” its peoples’ historic ties to the horse and 尔多斯的美及无限可能性,还有更美好的
the opportunities this most elegant of 未来。
The engaging elderly gentleman was animals has to their future. A new and 此次CECF驭马文化节的另外一项深远意
Dato Tan Chin Nam who, among his very real chapter is being written in Ordos 义,是我们回到马背文化的起源地—内蒙
many achievements both in business and on the back of the horse, ushering in 古,开始筑梦。这个梦想获得了鄂尔多斯
thoroughbred racing, is famous for having new opportunities in both domestic and 人民政府、伊金霍洛旗政府的大力支持,
won four Melbourne Cups - the equal international trade, in tourism and in job 并得到了那达慕大会的助力,以马会友,
highest number of wins by an owner in the creation. It begins this weekend. Welcome 未来也将继续发展当地马产业链,打造鄂
race’s 154-year history. What continues to to Ordos for the Third International 尔多斯成为一个集文化、体育、旅游为一
drive Dato Tan today, at the age of 90, is a Nadamu and the CECF Ordos. 体的城市。
passion to want to do what others have not 五千年的马文化,在时间的流动里,如今
achieved or contemplated achieving. 那天和一位长者聊天,我们谈起了未来, 以蓄势待发的姿态静观世界。属于新世纪
说起了理想,还有关于梦想。这也让我想 的篇章,在热情与梦想的驱动下,回归内
The Organizing Committees of the 起了CHC杰士马主俱乐部主席张祖德所 蒙古大草原。一场充满力度与激情的华丽
Third International Nadamu and the 说的一句话:“当只有一个人在织梦的时 运动盛事,开始撰写。
CECF Ordos embody his passion to 候,那只是一个梦想;当一群人都为同一
achieve. These committees have worked 个梦想而努力的时候,那就是梦想即将成 LEE KHIM, VOON
in harmony with a shared goal of drawing 为现实的开始。”
the world to Ordos to promote a unique
and diverse culture in one of China’s most 千古年来,力量的驱使和骄人的创造,似
modern cities – (‘When we dream together 乎都离不开梦想。敢于把梦先开始想一
it is the beginning of reality’) – knowing 想,那就是迈向梦想成真的第一步。
the importance such an event can have on
Ordos’ future. 熟悉速度赛马领域的人,对拿督陈振南的
And much is happening in this unique 马界的传奇人物是当之无愧的。作为连续
pocket of China. Under the direction of the 四届墨尔本杯大赛的冠军马主,他曾经表
Ordos City Government, a transformative