Page 86 - Majestic Vol 5 R3a (1)-PDF
P. 86
Bai Yu Gang, Secretary of the Ordos Party Committee, led a
delegation team to conduct inspection of the racecourse
2016年7月15日,是一个天气晴朗的早上, DEVELOPING A COMMERCIAL Building a successful horse industry
鄂尔多斯 机 场 迎 来 史 上首度国 际货 机 的降 chain involves several stages. The
落,迎来了81匹纯血马与赛事用马,标志着 HORSE INDUSTRY TO BOOST signing ceremony for the creation of
鄂尔多斯 市与内蒙 古伊 泰大 漠 马业育马产 a horse breeding project in Ordos was
业项目的正式启动。 THE ECONOMY an important first step taken by Yitai
Desert Star Industries in kick-starting
在这个育马项目里,未 来的十年 将会 令人 The global equine industry has a long this initiative. With the support of the
期待。此次启动的育马项目,将与国内其他 enduring history. In recent years, the Ordos City Government, Yitai Desert
马业同盟积极开发此产业,也 将与其他各 industry has been experiencing rapid Star Industries aims to establish an
类马产业项目配合,互惠互利,为鄂尔多斯 development with unprecedented international thoroughbred breeding
马产业链 繁 荣 发 展 贡 献 力量 。未 来 五 至十 growth seen particularly in the Chinese centre in Ordos. Inner Mongolia has a
年中,市场预估相关马产业能为鄂尔多斯带 equine market. With its long-standing long and rich tradition for horsemanship
来10 亿 至 2 0 亿 的 经 济 收 入;同时 在 产业 发 ethnic tradition and deep-rooted among the local Mongolian ethnic
展 稳 定 后,每 年 将 会 为当地带 来 约12 亿 的 horse culture, Inner Mongolia has an communities. In addition, the natural
经济税收。 exceptional advantage to allow for the conditions in the grasslands are favorable
development of a modern horse industry. for horse breeding and racing. By
这个项目的幕后推手——内蒙古伊泰大漠马 Yitai Desert Star Horse Industries will introducing an advanced management
业有限责任公司,是内蒙现代化大型能源领 devote its effort to growing the horse system and breeding technique, and
军 者 伊 泰 集团与中国首 家马业管 理 投 资公 industry and establish a comprehensive bringing in the resources required to
司大漠马业有限公司联合创建的;是这次81 thoroughbred horse breeding centre in breed and train high quality horses, as
匹纯血马及赛事用马的主要负责引路人,让 Ordos that will help to generate billions well as expanding the industry chain,
它们顺利落户鄂尔多斯。伊泰集团作为中国 in revenue for the Chinese economy. this project will be able to achieve
企业500强,在营运方面的实力毋庸置疑, its objective and is poised to create
而CHC杰士马主俱乐部主席张祖德对马产业 Contributing to the growth of the direct and indirect benefits to the local
的精辟见解及独到眼光,更奠定了两方携手 culture, sports and tourism markets will economy.
合作的稳固基础。 impact the economic transformation
of Ordos City, and stimulate locally With the endorsement of the Ordos
不 过,要 使 到 此 项目真 正 地“腾飞”,还 必 ingrained growth. The development of a City Government, Yitai Desert Star
须仰赖当地 政 府的鼎力支持,鄂尔多斯政 horse industry in Ordos will create ample Horse Industries will implement the
府对发展现代化马产业抱着无比的信心。 business opportunities, while building breeding project in stages following the
an environment conducive to fostering needs of the industry. In addition, the
“伊 泰大 漠 马业 的 成 立,将为 鄂尔多斯 当 new relationships with the international Yiqi Government has formalized their
地 培养更多优秀的养马、驯马、育马以 及 market. This new exchange platform support for Yitai Desert Star Horse
骑师人才,创造更多就业机会,同时为鄂尔 will provide the country’s horse industry Industries to manage the Ordos Yiqi
多斯创造投资机会,促进经济与产业共荣, with a great opportunity to fulfill its Racecourse on behalf of Ordos City
为内蒙古文化、体育、旅 游一 体化 发 展努 “China Dream.” In growing China’s Government for 20 years.
力。”伊泰大漠马业董事李成才表示。 horse industry, the “Share the Dream”
theme of the 2016 CECF Ordos serves
84 MAjestic as the best guideline and objective for
Yitai Desert Horse Industries.