Page 118 - Majestic Vol 6
P. 118





              Everyone in the horse industry, racing or otherwise,            horse in my father’s life, he would chart the entire course
                       can name that one person who started it all for        of my life.
                       them. The person who let them pet their pony, or sat
              them on a horse for the first time, or gave them their initial  My father brought me to the barn from the time I was old
              racetrack experience. For me, that person was a man named       enough to hold up my own head, and the horse most thought
              Winston Trim.                                                   was crazy, was a saint when I was on his back. Winston helped
                                                                              my father nurture my love of horses and, eventually racing. It is
              My father met Winston 32 years ago when he went                 because of his influence, on both my father and myself, that I’m
              horseback riding at the Trim family ranch while on vacation     now an accomplished equestrian with a wonderful chestnut
              in St Lucia, an Eastern Caribbean island located in between     horse of my own and a career as a turf writer.
              Martinique, St Vincent and the Grenadines and Barbados.
              At the time, Winston was just 18 and my father was 36, but      Unfortunately, Winston’s life was cut tragically short March 26
              they bonded immediately.                                        when he was killed in a motorcycle accident just months after his
                                                                              50th birthday. He leaves behind three children, a loving family
              After watching Winston gallop down the beach, standing          and friends who will never be quite the same without him.
              up on his horse’s back with no saddle, my father insisted
              Winston come back to New York with him. He recognised           I’m sharing this story in the TDN because Winston’s
              his talent and wanted to “manage” him.                          influence and significance extends far beyond my own
                                                                              personal experience. His impact will soon be felt in the
              A few weeks later. Winston called and said he had arrived in    international racing community, thanks to Teo Ah Khing
              Brooklyn and the rest, as they say, is history. My father got   and the China Horse Club.
              Winston, who had grown up around horses, a job galloping
              for his long-time friend and veteran trainer Robert Barbara     One of the first things Winston said to my father when they
              at Belmont Park.                                                met on that fateful day 32 years ago, was that St Lucia needed
                                                                              horse racing and he was going to figure out how to bring it to
              Winston and my father became the best of friends, brothers      the country. If you knew Winston, you knew he was a man
              really, which made him an uncle to me. It was Winston           that was truly larger than life and when he set his mind to
              who first got me involved with horses by introducing my         something, he would not stop until he made it happen.
              father to a Thoroughbred/Quarter Horse cross named
              Thunderbolt, who my father decided to buy after the horse       Winston did not have any higher education or fancy
              ran him into a tree and broke his thumb.                        accolades, but he had spent his life studying horses, was
                                                                              a hard worker and the most determined man I had ever
              The spirited chestnut only increased the bond between the       known. It took him three decades, but he found a man who
              two friends, taking them on the ride of their lives…literally.  was as equally innovative and was not afraid to dream as big
              Little did Winston know at the time that by putting that        as he did. That man was Teo Ah Khing.

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