Page 85 - Majestic Vol 6
P. 85

2016 CECF Ordos drew the attention of government officials of the
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Ordos City and Ejin Horo Banner
administration levels 2016 CECF国际驭马文化节获得内蒙古自治区、鄂尔多斯市

In the second half of 2017, the Yitai Desert Star Horse           the Green Energy Cup, which will be held on June 24,
     Industries’ ‘3 Cups 1 Festival’, hosted by the Ordos         July 22 and September 16, respectively. The CECF, which
     Sports Bureau, is set to transform the face of Ordos.        will take place on August 20, is currently the only racing
                                                                  event in Mainland China recognised by the International
Last year, a joint venture between Ordos-based Top 500            Federation of Horseracing Authorities (IFHA) that
enterprise, the Yitai Group, and Desert Star Holdings             involves high-level racing with attractive prizes and great
Limited (parent company of the China Horse Club) led to           market appeal without relying on betting. The races will be
the establishment of the Yitai Desert Star Horse Industries       staged in the Ordos’ Ejin Horo Banner Racecourse, known
in Ejin Horo Banner, which successfully organised the             for its distinctive crescent-shaped grandstand.
China Equine Cultural Festival (CECF), the biggest
thoroughbred horse racing event in China.                         去年,鄂尔多斯本土中国 5 0 0 强 企 业伊 泰 集团携 手 C H C杰士马
                                                                  主俱乐 部母 公司大 漠马业共同在“天骄 圣 地”伊 金霍 洛旗合 资
The event drew the attention of government officials of the       成立伊泰大漠马业,引进并成功举办目前国际影响力最大的国
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Ordos City and Ejin             内纯 血 速 度赛 马盛 事 —— C E C F国 际 驭马文化 节。内蒙古自治
Horo Banner administration levels, 20,000 on-track spectators,    区、鄂尔多斯市、伊金霍洛旗三级政府高度重视,2万多名现场
more than 300 industry leaders, over 1.4 million users’           观众激情参与,全球300多位马业行业领袖现场见证,超过140
interactions via domestic website Weibo, and live broadcast over  万全国各地马迷微博实时互动,三大洲六大直播平台的全球转
three continents and six major digital platforms. Additionally,   播推送,此外还有史无前例的全球著名拍卖行争相赞助如殷利
the event received unprecedented interests in sponsorship from    殊、神奇百万、新西兰纯血马、高芙斯、塔特索斯、基兰及阿卡
world’s major auction houses namely Inglis, Magic Millions,       纳……赛 事的举 办创造了诸多记录,此 外鄂尔多斯 伊 金霍洛旗
New Zealand Bloodstock, Goffs, Tattersalls, Keeneland and         政府还与内蒙古伊泰大漠马业签约育马产业项目,将伊金霍洛
Arqana – this was truly an event of many precedents. The Ordos    旗赛马场交由伊泰大漠马业托管进行20年运营,为此后的发展
Ejin Horo Banner government also signed an agreement with         埋下了伏笔和想象空间。
Yitai Desert Star Industries for the latter to manage the Ejin
Horo Banner Racecourse for the next 20 years.                     今年,伊 泰大 漠 马业在 C E C F 国 际 驭马文化 节的 基 础 上丰富了
                                                                  赛 事内容,大幅 追 加 投 入,旨在全面推 广和 提 升 鄂尔多斯市的
Building on the success of the CECF, Yitai Desert Star            城市名片,将鄂尔多斯发 展 成中国乃至亚洲速 度赛马文化中
Horse Industries plans to incorporate much more into              心。2017年,伊泰大漠马业旗下赛事将由纯血速度赛马系列主
this year’s programme, as it aims to promote the profile of       题 杯 赛 和 C EC F国际 驭马文化节组 成—— 6月24日、7月2 2日和
Ordos City and develop it into a horse racing hub in China        9月16日分别举办“鄂尔多斯金杯”、“旅游文化杯”和“绿色能
and Asia. In 2017, the events organised by Yitai Desert           源杯”,8月20举办目前国内唯一获得国际赛马联合会(IFHA)
Star Horse Industries will comprise of a series of races for      官方 认证,集高 水平、高 奖金、高 市 场 化 运 作 的 无 博 彩 性 商业
thoroughbred horses, as well as the CECF. The race series         赛 事 —— C E C F国 际 驭马文化 节,比 赛 地 点就 是 那座 拥有月牙
are the Ordos Gold Cup, the Tourism & Culture Cup, and            形特征看台的鄂尔多斯伊金霍洛旗赛马场。

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