Page 18 - MAjestic v7
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              走到至高点有多远?                                                                                                                             Photography by Zung @ The Photoz

   The Climb to
Greater Heights

             Since its inception six years ago, the China Horse Club       These success stories have showed us that focus and passion
                    has been making headlines in international racing,     are what it takes to excel. Charge ahead like the horse and
                    winning more than 370 races across 13 countries,       soar to greater heights.
             including 24 G1 feature races. From being a major buyer at
             horse sales worldwide to emerging as a proven breeder with    今年是CHC杰士马主俱乐部成立的第六年,也是CHC放马出赛
             its yearlings dominating at premier auctions, the CHC has     全球的第五年。五年创下超过370场的胜利、冠冕24个G1一级
             been taking steady steps towards realising its vision.        赛最高荣誉、赛马版图增加至13个国家;从“买买买”到“卖卖
             In the last six years, we are proud to have created many      脚步,朝着理想方向勇往前行。
             ‘firsts’: for two consecutive years, the CHC created history
             in the US by becoming the first horse racing club from        六年的时间 说长不长,说 短也不短,可是我 们 却已 经 创下了多
             Mainland China to participate and win racing’s coveted        个“不 可能 的 任 务”,除了在今年 和 去年连 续 两年 成 功 摘 下美
             Kentucky Derby and the Kentucky Oaks; Justify recently        国最顶级赛事德比大赛及橡树大赛冠军,成为该赛事举办百年
             captured the Preakness Stakes to win the second leg of        来 第一 位 获 冠 的中国马主代 表,赛 马“正 义”更向 三冠 王赛 事
             the Triple Crown; and in 2017, CHC’s Abel Tasman’s            发起冲击,成功摘下了第二站的必利时锦标赛冠军。此外,赛
             outstanding performance earned him the title of America’s     马“探 险 家”更凭 借出色的 表 现,不负 众 望 荣 登 赛 马界 奥 斯 卡
             Outstanding Three-Year-Old Filly of Year at the glittering    等级的日蚀奖“年度最佳三岁马”。
             Eclipse Award ceremony.
             Our resounding success on the tracks clearly demonstrates     产业的坚定决心。此外,我们也不忘善用企业的力量,为历史
             our unwavering commitment to develop and promote              建筑保留及可持续发展贡献一份绵力。也在去年,我们在瑞士
             the thoroughbred horse industry in Mainland China.            爱宾娜滑雪水疗度假酒店毗邻,收购了山镇上最古老的一家酒
             Additionally, we have also adopted practices to protect       店,并命名为爱宾娜公馆。这家百年酒店因其传统独特的建筑
             historic buildings and promote sustainability. Last year,     结构而被瑞士旅游局认证为历史酒店。未来,CHC的尊贵会员
             the CHC acquired the Alpina Lodge, a hotel that is more       更多了一个深度的休闲度假之地。
             than a century old and located adjacent to the CHC’s
             lifestyle facility, the Alpina Mountain Resort & Spa in       生命因不同的故事而精彩。这期的专题,编辑部走访了美国及
             Tschiertschen, Switzerland. The Alpina Lodge, with its        中国的业界 精英,他 们 激 励人心的故事,造 就了生命中的不 平
             unique and traditional wooden architecture, was recognised    凡。其中,此次德比大赛的幕后精英团队明星练马师巴富达及
             as one of the ‘Swiss Historic Hotels’ by Switzerland          骑师史文夫,就用了毕生精力,荣登美国赛马名人堂。在中国,
             Tourism, offering guests an authentic and local experience.   我们也有来自新疆的企业家陈志峰“爱马成痴”的故事,他的
             There are many amazing life events that can move us. In
             this edition, we spoke to industry experts from the US and    在 这 些 事 迹 及 人物的身上,验 证了,要 做 好 一 件 事 情,就 必须
             China as they share inspiring stories that have shaped them   投入高度的专注与热情。如马一样勇往直前奔跑,就会看到不
             from ordinary people into world-class leaders. Hall of Fame   一样的风景线。
             trainer Bob Baffert and Hall of Fame jockey Mike Smith,
             who teamed for victory in the Kentucky Derby, are among                                                 LEE KHIM, VOON
             these industry elites who have devoted much of their time to
             their careers. In China, we learnt about Chen Zhifeng, an                                         
             entrepreneur from Xinjiang, whose love of horses epitomises
             the high regard the Chinese people have for horse culture.

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