Page 109 - Majestic Vol.03
P. 109


One of the most exciting trips               在中国旅游可说是我和太太希薇娅近两年
           my wife Silvia and I have made    最有趣的经验。一个月内,我们游历了北
           in the last couple of years was   京、大同、山西省、河南省、江苏省和山
through China. For a whole month             东省。中国文化遗产之丰富出乎我们意料
we toured Beijing, Datong, and the           以外,也让我们深感震撼。旅途中遇见的
provinces of Shanxi, Henan, Jiangsu,         友善人们特别让我们感到亲切温暖,我们
and Shandong. We had not expected the        和 他 们 其 中 多 位 还 保 持 着 来 往。 当 听 说
rich cultural heritage: it was absolutely    Aang、Chang 和 Baihu 打算来瑞士游玩时,
stunning. Particularly heartwarming were     我们高兴极了,赶紧给他们在重新复修落
the people we met, many of whom we           成的恰岑爱宾娜滑雪度假酒店订了房间。
are still in contact with. So it was great
to hear that Aang, Chang, and Baihu          他们搭乘通联巴士在清晨抵达恰岑,见面
were planning a trip to Switzerland. We      时大家都非常兴奋。他们说 : 从库尔到恰岑
booked rooms for them at The Alpina          历时 25 分钟,经过陡峭山路和无数急转弯
Mountain Resort & Spa in Tschiertschen.      的路程,已是一大冒险,增添了旅程的刺
They arrived by post coach in the            我们则选择越过陡坡,慢慢地步行到酒店,
morning, all of them very excited. The       顺便观赏四周的风景。他们脸上洋溢着欣
25-minute ride from the city of Chur         喜的表情。“这里就像电影《海蒂》里头的
to Tschiertschen on the steep mountain       场景,但它却是真实的。如诗如画的田园
road with its many hairpin curves was        景 色 啊! 看 看 那 些 外 墙 刻 上 题 词( 铭 文 )
a real adventure, they said. While the       的老木屋,还有清爽的山风、粉末般的雪花,
hotel bus took their luggage, we walked      这简直就是冬季仙境!彼得,你就住在世
with our friends up to the hotel, a          界上最美的地方之一。”他们其中一人说。
rather steep five-minute stroll. Silvia
and I saw the excitement on their faces.
‘This is like the Heidi movie, except
it’s real. It’s so picturesque, so idyllic!
Look at the old wooden houses with
the inscriptions on their facades. And
the crisp mountain air, and the powdery
snow – this is Winter Fairyland! Peter,
you live in one of the most beautiful
spots on earth.’

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