Page 106 - Majestic Vol.03
P. 106
SHARING DREAMS AND which enabled the university to send 共享理念及愿望
seven members of its teaching staff
PHILOSOPHIES and students to France for a training 内蒙古农业大学职业技术学院成立于1985
programme. These representatives 年,是自治区建立最早的一所培养高等技
Founded in 1985, IMAU Vocational participated in a six-month programme 术应用型专门人才的职业技术学院。运动
Technology College was one of that comprised seminars and training on 马驯养与管理专业目前是中国高等教育中
the first colleges built in the Inner anti-doping, stable management, and 唯一的马术类专业,2010年经教育部批准
Mongolia Autonomous Region, AFASEC jockey school assessment. 在内蒙古农业大学职业技术学院设立。
to provide professional training in These individuals were awarded the
advanced technology. In 2010, the Certificate of Recognition by UNIC. 专业创办之初,受到前中国兽医协会会
university obtained approval from the Many outstanding graduates are part 长、中国马业协会理事长贾幼陵教授的指
Education Ministry to run its first now of the CHC China’s stable team. 导和帮助,学校致力于马业人才培养的宗
equestrian programme. The sport horse 旨,引起了马来西亚籍华人,CHC杰士马
management and training specialty “In Sept 2013, teaching staff and students 主俱乐部主席张祖德的注意,并从2013年
at the IMAU Vocational Technology from the equestrian department were 起给予多方面的鼎力支持。
College is currently the only equestrian- invited by the CHC to attend the 2013
related specialty in the country. CECF held in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, “三年前,张主席就曾来到学院进行交流
an event that greatly broadened their 考察,与包头学院就双方共同的理念即培
Dr Jia You Lin, President of the Chinese perspective and race experience; and 养中国现代马业人才,推动中国现代马业
Veterinary Medical Association/ following the previous MOU signing 发展达成高度共识。双方对于未来中国马
Chairman of the China Horse Industry by the three parties, my deputy and I 业的发展理念、思路、愿望和从自身出发
Association, guided and assisted the were also invited by the French Embassy 愿为中国马业发展做出贡献和牺牲的意愿
college in establishing its curriculum. to participate in their “French Horse 不谋而合,就此建立了合作关系并由此结
This commitment to the development Industry Seminar”,” recalled Prof Ge. 缘至今。”葛教授表示。
of talent in the horse industry, in turn,
attracted the attention of Malaysian- Prof Ge believes that the shortage 早在2012年8月,内蒙古农业大学职业技术
born Chinese, Teo Ah Khing, Chairman of talent is still a major concern, 学院就马术人才培养方面,与马来西亚TAK
of the CHC, who has since 2013, and this needs to be rectified 控股集团(CHC杰士马主俱乐部母公司)、天
stepped in to extend all-round support immediately. “China’s equine industry 津大漠凤凰马业、法国马业联盟在巴黎签
to the college. is underdeveloped, and it still has a 订合作备忘;同年12月,包头学院受CHC
long way to go to meeting international 杰士马主俱乐部和法国UNIC资助,选派6
“Three years ago, Chairman Teo visited standards; hence the school plans to 名马术专业师生,连同一名来自呼和浩特
the Baotou campus. We shared the same make use of foreign expertise to better 校本部兽医专业的博士老师,共赴法国巴
philosophy on developing Chinese talent improve the breeding and training
in the horse industry, and driving growth programme. We hope to see continued
in the industry to its highest potential. support from the CHC in this area.”
Both parties shared the same vision,
philosophies, thoughts and wishes for the Having attended the CECF on two
future, and pledged to contribute and make occasions, Prof Ge was able to envision
sacrifices for the expansion of the industry; future possibilities in speed horse
hence our partnership was formed and racing. “We still have a long way to
exists to this day,” said Prof Ge. go to international standard racing. It
is my opinion that the CECF events
In August 2012, the IMAU Vocational organised by the CHC has provided
Technology College signed a us with an opportunity to connect with
Memorandum of Understanding with the international community, and has a
Malaysia’s TAK Group of Companies positive impact in driving the Chinese
(the parent company of the CHC), horse industry to greater heights. Lastly,
Tianjin’s Desert Star Holdings Ltd., and I would like to say, the slogan of CECF,
the French Equestrian Federation. In ‘bring the world to China; and China to
December of the same year, the college the world’, the China dream will surely
received funding from the CHC and come true!”
the French Horse Connexion UNIC
(a national horse union association),