Page 114 - Majestic Vol.03
P. 114
WINTER TREASURE China were the major attraction. So making, explaining why the Burgundy
many locals wanted to make friends of Switzerland, only 20 minutes from
The third day was the active sports with them and invited them for the Tschiertschen, is the perfect territory
day. We all met at 10 o’clock at the ski popular Kafi Fertig (thin coffee with for making great wines. We were to
training slope right behind The Alpina, apple spirit and lots of sugar). Silvia taste a wide range of vintages and grape
where there is a small beginners’ ski lift. and I had to caution them as we had varieties, including special-edition
The redski’n sports shop had outfitted planned another sports activity later in wines prepared in oak barrels.
our friends with ski boots, skis, helmets, the afternoon.
and gloves. The ski instructor greeted That was the end of the visit to Winter
us in English, and the lesson began. At four o’clock we met again at the Fairyland for Aang, Chang, and Baihu.
Aang did extremely well, very quickly ice rink right behind The Alpina for a It was a great pleasure to show our
learning the basics, keeping his balance game of Bavarian Curling. That was an friends the very best that Switzerland
perfectly, and laughing all the time. unusual experience and great fun. Baihu has to offer: the Alps, the quaint village
Baihu and Chang took a little longer, won the game, even beating Silvia and of Tschiertschen, and the splendid
and quite often had to use their textile me. He really is a talent! Finally, at Alpina Mountain Resort. We certainly
brakes (meaning their butts) to stop. seven o’clock we gathered in the ancient hope that their most heartwarming
But all of them had the fun of a lifetime. wine-tasting room in the cellar of The experience was the people they met here
Alpina. Philipp Grendelmeier, the in Switzerland.
At noon we went to the Eisbahnhüttli wine maker from Zizers, was waiting
for grilled sausages. It’s the place where for us. He gave us a lesson in wine
the locals meet. Again our friends from