Page 81 - Majestic Vol4
P. 81
Horse racing is a
graceful sport. Be happy,
and enjoy the journey.
Horseracing is a graceful sport. I greatly gratifying since she was bred and raised 速度赛马是一项优雅的运动,我很敬佩
admire Chairman Teo’s boldness and at our farm. 张主席的魄力及愿景,他对中国及澳大
foresight. He has made significant 利亚的赛马产业做了很多推广及贡献。
contributions in promoting the horse Horse racing is a sport for all: the thrill, the 我和CHC杰士马主俱乐部的渊源,起于
racing industry in Mainland China festival-likeambience, the fine food and 俱乐部前国际顾问理事会成员拿督陈振
and Australia. I became a syndicate wine, the entertainment and the fashion 南,作为一位资深的马主,在他身上我
horse owner of the China Horse Club — all add up to a fun-filled atmosphere. 学习良多。
(CHC) through former member of Be happy, and enjoy the journey.
the International Advisory Council 我与拿督陈振南、CHC杰士马主俱乐
and successful racehorse owner Dato “我在80年代的时候就已经开始参与速 部及其他两位联合马主共同拥有明星赛
Tan Chin Nam, who has been a great 度赛马活动,也曾在越南进行马场的翻 马‘第一封印’(First Seal),这匹出色
mentor to me. 修工程。2008年,我从前业主李天耀 的母马在澳大利亚的“新南威尔士年度
(新加坡建国总理李光耀的弟弟)手中把位 赛马评选”大典中荣获了“年度马后”、
Dato Tan and I, along with the CHC 于新西兰的莱佛士马场(Raffles Farm)买 “年度最佳赛马”及“三岁最佳赛马”
and its two members are proud owners 下,与合作伙伴劳伦斯·瓦迪(Lawrence 三项大奖,而她也是出自我们自家的繁
of the star racehorse First Seal. This Wadey)及布鲁斯·宣威(Bruce Sherwin) 育场,这让我们感到非常光荣。
outstanding filly secured three awards at 一同进行育马投资。
the NSW Racehorse Owners Association 速度赛马是一项属于全民的运动: 赛事
Awards where she was crowned Queen 我喜欢速度赛马运动所带来的快乐和千金 的激情、会场上的欢乐气氛、美食、音
of the Autumn, the NSW Racehorse of 难买的珍贵感觉;要享受这个过程,你必 乐及时尚等,建构成一个快乐氛围的场
the Year, and NSW Three Year Old of 须放下输赢及得失心态,因为赛场上的冠 所。开心感受,享受过程!”
the Year. Her achievement is especially 军,永远只有一名。