Page 121 - Majestic Vol 5 R3a (1)-PDF
P. 121
The members’ varying interests have led We breed to sell not to keep. We will
the club to become actively involved in bring them to the yearling sales and test
the breeding industry a bit sooner than our own brand and see if it works
they had anticipated.
“The breeding started about 18 months Chrome, who will soon call Taylor Made CHC在澳大利亚与库摩马业所启动的繁育
ago. The idea originally was to wait a home, they have purchased interests in 计 划,已 经 成 功孕育出在G1环形国 际 锦 标
little bit later, but we are moving forward international superstar Flintshire (GB), 赛 冠 军 马“荷兰 画家 ”。张祖 德 期 望,在 美
now,” Teo said. “We thought that the who is set to stand his first season at Hill 国 区可 以 看 到 同 样 的 成 绩,也计 划 进军纯
breeding itself encourages certain groups ‘n’ Dale; Aga Khan Stud’s Siyouni (Fr); 血马销售市场。
of our members who are interested in and Ballylinch’s New Bay (GB).
investment in the fillies and mares. The “你将会开始看到打着CHC烙号的马匹在
last record of purchases in [November] at “When you want to invest, the only way 销售市场出现,我们的繁育目标是销售,而
Fasig-Tipton and Keeneland of about $10 to invest is to invest wisely and invest 不 是自家 拥 有。我 们 将 会 在 周 岁马 拍 卖 会
million in mares shows that it is one of the in the brand that the general public can 上测试水温。”
angles we are putting emphasis on.” recognize,” Teo offered. “So, therefore,
horses like California Chrome and 除了购入美国顶级母马,俱乐部也一掷千金,
Their breeding program, which started even the latest addition, New Bay, will 花了240万购入母马“华美蕾丝”,而今她成
in Australia, has already yielded a Group definitely be our habits. We enjoy it with 功怀上了种公马“莫叔叔”的子嗣,为CHC育
1 winner, bred in conjunction with the partners as well.” 马品牌助力。张祖德与他的团队竭力把高素
Coolmore, in G1 Criterium International 质的种公马收揽旗下,而今其种公马团队有
S. hero Johannes Vermeer (Ire) (Galileo 就 因 为 会员的 不 同 需 求,促 使 俱 乐 部 比 预 驻美国赢星农场的“狂想家”、驻美国泰勒
{Ire}). Teo hopes to see similar results in 期更早些涉及育马领域。 梅德牧场的“加州铬”、将在美国纳达勒山开
America and plans to breed to sell. 始第一季种马生涯的“福林特郡”、驻阿迦
“我们的育马工作在18个月前就已经启动, 汗博纳瓦育马场的“先勇名驹”及爱尔兰的
“You will start to see the horses we’ve 虽 然 在 时 间 上往 后 推 迟 会更 理 想 些,不 过 巴利驰育马场的“新桂”等。
bred at the sales,” Teo remarked. “We 现在我们已经大步向前。我们发现,部分会
breed to sell not to keep. We will bring 员对育马项目非常感兴趣,尤其对母马及繁 “进 行 种 马 投 资 除了要 明 智,也 要 选 择 拥
them to the yearling sales and test our 育母马的投资。在刚过去的美国法西-蒂普 有 高 市场辨 识 度的品牌 。像‘加州铬’及
own brand and see if it works.” 顿11月拍卖会及基兰拍卖会上,所 创下的1 ‘新 贵’就 是我 们 投 资方向的 最 佳 例 子。
千万购买母马就是一个最佳的投资案例。” 当然,我们商业伙伴的合作也相当愉快。”
In addition to buying top American
mares, such as GISW and $2.4 million
FTKNOV purchase Embellish the Lace
(Super Saver), who is carrying her first
foal by leading sire Uncle Mo, to build
the club’s brand, Teo and his team have
been hard at work identifying and buying
into stallions that have the potential to be
future top sires. In addition to WinStar
resident Exaggerator and California
MAjestic 119