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As evident by the list of stallions, who     in the area of the sport that they are      为任何一方带来利益上的冲突。”
stand at some of the world’s top farms,      interested in. Even though the country’s
Teo and his group have a good working        racing is incomplete, they can still enjoy  他接着说:“我们非常幸运,在创始之际就
relationship with leaders across the         the sport globally.”                        获得业界多方的支持,并珍赏我们所 做的
global industry.                                                                         事情。我想,这归结于人们把我们看成是一
                                             Teo also continues his efforts to increase  个按 照 规 矩 及 章 程行事 的团 体 。我 们非常
“We have made it a point from day one        and strengthen the local racing in China    器重人才,也拥有大量的资源,也与行业的
to not own any stud farm so we can           through his China Equine Cultural           练马师、马房及拍卖行维持良好的关系。这
partner with any farm on any stallion,”      Festival, which he hopes to build into a    三年来,有无数的人主动与我们联系,这无
Teo explained. “So far, the partnerships     top international race meet.                疑是一个非常好的现象。
with everyone seem to work very well.
The big farms, they welcome us because       “We started it to give the partners         至目前为止,张祖德已经完成了部分他设定
we don’t have any farm and we don’t have     awareness that in China you can             下的 重 大目标 。俱 乐 部 的 专业 团 队 遍 布 全
any conflicts.”                              organize international standard races       球,现在,他21岁的女儿也加入成为一员。
                                             not just local races,” Teo explained. “We
He added, “We are very fortunate in our      also wanted to harness the people into an   “把 俱乐部 打造 成为一 个家喻户晓的品 牌
early years that people appreciate what      interest group and bring them overseas to   是我们的目标,让我们的中国会员及他们的
we are doing. I think it boils down to       learn and to expose themselves and then     海 外友 人 知 道,有这么一 个 组 织 为 他 们 与
the fact people equate us as a group as      make an investment. We look to build        下一代的梦想而领航。至目前为止,我们认
people who do things by the rules. We        up the capacity of the palette in China.    为 俱 乐 部所发 展 的方向 是 正确 的 。通 过 周
appreciate talent and we have resources.     We will come to a point in five years       详 的 投 资 计 划,会员们 可以 正确 地 投 资在
Three years down the road now, we            time when the CECF will be equivalent       他 们 有兴 趣 的 领 域,即 使中国 的 速 度赛 马
have all kinds of people approaching us      to any of the big races in America or       发 展 未 全 面,他 们 也可 以 享受 国 际 赛 事 所
whether they want to work for us or want     in Europe or in Australia. There is no      带来的乐趣。”
to partner with us. It is just a good sign.  lack of sponsors in China. There is no
We have good relationships with all the      lack of prize money in China. We are        C E C F 驭马文化 节是 俱 乐 部 的 品 牌 盛 事,
trainers, stud farms and auctions.”          trying to harness the energy and to get     通 过 这 项 赛 马盛 事,推 展中国 国内的 速 度
                                             the local brand in conjunction with the     赛 马运 动,并 打 造 其 成 为一 个 国 际 性 的 赛
With a team of top professionals             international brand.”                       马盛会。
spanning across the globe, which now
includes his 21-year-old daughter            A visionary as well as an innovator,        “我们让合 作伙伴意识到,原来中国也有
Johannah, Teo has already accomplished       Teo’s hopes and plans for the China         能 力举 办 国 际 级 的 赛 事 。我 们 也 希 望 会员
many of the major goals he set when          Horse Club and Chinese racing industry      能在世界不同的顶级赛马盛会中有所斩
starting the China Horse Club.               expand by the day. Given his current        获,继 而 投 资。我 们 将 在 5 年内 把 C E C F 驭
                                             success and determination, it is only a     马文化节 打造 成 媲美 于 任 何一 个 于美国、
“In the China Horse Club, one of the         matter of time before he turns those        欧 洲或 澳 大 利亚 所 举 办 的 赛 马 盛 会。在 中
goals is to become a household brand, to     dreams into reality.                        国市场,那里不缺赞助商及赛事奖金,我们
let the Chinese and their friends overseas                                               要做的,就是搭建一座桥梁,把国内品牌与
know that there is an organization that      显然,虽然俱乐部旗下的种公马遍布世界,                         国际品牌相互结合。”张祖德笃定地说。
does look at what their dreams are and       某 些 甚 至 驻 于 世 界 顶 尖育 马房,张 祖 德 与
of what their children’s dreams are,” Teo    他的团队与全 球的业界 精 英保 有良 好的关                     作 为 一 位 远 瞩 高 瞻 的 创 新 者,张 祖 德 为
remarked. “So far, we think the club is      系。“我们从一开始就没有计划成立自己的                         C H C 杰士马主俱乐 部及中国的 速 度赛 马发
heading in the right direction. We are       育马房,而是选择与不同的育马场合作。至                         展 画下了蓝 图 。若 看 他已 取得 的 成 功与目
helping the members to invest correctly      今 如 此 这 样 的 模 式 运 作 得 非 常 好,也 不 会           前的宏大决心,这个梦想,指日可待。

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