Page 147 - Majestic Vol 5 R3a (1)-PDF
P. 147

The initial launch of the Pearl of the         entitled citizens to certain privileges in the  The Master Developer – DSH
Caribbean Integrated Resort Development        United Kingdom and other Commonwealth           Caribbean Star Limited, is a subsidiary
Project coincided with the new Citizenship     countries.                                      of Desert Star Holdings Limited, a
by Investment bill passed by the Saint Lucia                                                   Hong Kong registered management
government. This bill enables qualifying       5. Fast Processing: The fastest processing      and investment company with
individuals the opportunity to be awarded                                                      international investments in
citizenship of St. Lucia by investing in a     time of any CIP under USD1 million.             commercial and equine property.
CIP approved property.                                                                         The Master Planner and Architect
                                               6. No minimum residency requirement.            is Teo. A. Khing Design Consultants
In line with the Saint Lucia’s Citizenship     7. Lifestyle: Your piece of paradise away       (TAK), an internationally awarded
by Investment Act, the Pearl of the                                                            multi-disciplinary design consultancy
Caribbean Integrated Resort Development        from the hustle and bustle of life.             founded and chaired by Ar. Teo
Project offers medium to long-term visitors,                                                   Ah Khing. TAK’s long list of credits
retired foreign nationals, and high net        *Source via Wikipedia                           includes Dubai’s acclaimed Meydan
worth foreigners with potentially lucrative                                                    Racecourse and Grandstand. TAK’s
investment opportunities and access to         开发项目的加勒比海之珠”房地产投资入籍计                            multi-disciplinary expertise will be
the CIP program in the beautiful island of     划亮点:                                            integral to the success of the Pearl of
Saint Lucia.                                                                                   the Caribbean
                                               1. 公民权:投资者可申请成为圣卢西亚公
The highlights of the Citizenship by                                                           Integrated Resort Development
Investment Programme are as follows:           民,并享有当地公民的所有权益。                                 Project, which will further enhance
                                                                                               the tourism industry of the island, and
1. Citizenship: Investors qualify to apply     2. 投资机会:投资20万美元或以上就可在圣                          at the same time, bring awareness
                                                                                               to the various investment incentives
for lifetime citizenship of Saint Lucia, with  卢西亚拥有自己的房产,同时收取可观租金。                            provided by the government of St
all the benefits of a Saint Lucian passport                                                    Lucia. These incentives include the
holder.                                        3. 旅游免签:享有约120个国家免签及落地                          granting of a:
                                                                                               • Casino license
2. Investment Opportunity: A onetime           签待遇,涵盖国家包括欧洲国家,英联邦国家                            • Free Trade Zone
                                               与申根国家*。                                         • Horseracing wagering license
investment of USD200,000 onward to own                                                         • Broadcast license (horseracing)
your own piece of property, for rental or      4. 英联邦国家福利:圣卢西亚公民可享有英                           • Qualified real estate investment
income generation.                                                                             status under the St. Lucia Citizenship
                                               联邦国家如英国及其他成员国的独特福利。                             by Investment Program
3. Travel: “Visa Free” or “Visa On
                                               5. 100万美元以下投资入籍项目中最快速的                          大漠马业加勒比海之星控股有限公司为此项
Arrival” access to about 120 countries                                                         目发展商,是香港注册的大漠马业控股有限
including most European, Commonwealth          审批流程。                                           公司的子公司,经营项目涉及国际商业及育
and Schengen Area countries*.                                                                  马投资。承包项目的总规划与建筑事务所为
                                               6. 无居住要求:可获长期居留权,无居住时                           曾在国际上获奖无数的TAK祖德建筑设计事
4. Commonwealth Benefits: Saint Lucia                                                          务所,历年来所完成的大型项目包括迪拜最
                                               间要求。                                            具代表性的迈丹马场与看台。TAK凭借丰富
is a member of the Commonwealth, which                                                         的建筑设计经验,倾力打造多元综合休闲娱
                                               7. 风尚生活:拥有远离烦嚣的梦幻家园。                            乐性质的“加勒比海之珠”开发项目,以此
                                               *信息来源于维基百科                                      还将推展获得当地政府支持并颁发许可证的
Site C                                                                                         由贸易区、赛马与博彩、大众广播(赛马)
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