Page 143 - Majestic Vol 5 R3a (1)-PDF
P. 143
1. Teo Ah Khing, Chairman of DSH Caribbean Star showing HRH Prince Henry of Wales, the development masterplan 大漠马业
2. Groundbreaking ceremony 张祖德、亨利王子殿下及圣卢西亚总理艾伦·切斯尼进行奠基仪式
3. Chairman of Desert Star Holding Teo Ah Khing (L) presenting the token of appreciation to HRH Prince Harry (R), witnessed
by Prime Minister of Saint Lucia, Allen Chastanet 大漠马业加勒比海之星控股有限公司主席张祖德在圣卢西亚总理艾伦·切斯尼的见
4. The signing of official papers by Teo Ah Khing, Allen Chastanet and Zhang Xiao Jun 张祖德、圣卢西亚总理艾伦·切斯特尼与
DSH Caribbean Star Ltd., an could become a new quarantine facility 马与育种顾问的约翰·沃伦以及多国政要、
affiliate of the China Horse for bringing horses eastward due to its 赛马界权威的出席。
Club, celebrates a ground- proximity to Miami.”
breaking ceremony to launch its “我认为圣卢西亚的优越地 理位置,将会
integrated development project, built in The day’s main activity was to bring 成为中国的地域性战略伙伴。”大漠马业加
collaboration with the government of racing dignitaries from across the 勒比海之星董事主席暨CHC杰士马主俱乐
Saint Lucia. Caribbean, international advisors 部主席张祖德在动土仪式后面对媒体时如
and investors, on a private tour of the 此 表示。“我们是一家打造奢华生活品味
The USD4.2 billion Pearl of the project’s three main sites, situated on 的 俱 乐 部,而 我 们 的 众 多 会员也 屡 屡 对 加
Caribbean project was officially launched 700 acres of undeveloped land on the 勒比 海 这个度假 胜 地 表 现 出浓 厚兴 趣 。其
in the presence of the Prime Minister of southern end of the island. The next 次,由于圣卢西亚临近迈亚密,所以当我们
Saint Lucia, Allen Chastanet, HRH day, the final step was taken to get the 把 马匹 从 欧 美 运 往 亚 洲 时,这 里 就可 以 成
Prince Harry of Wales, John Warren Pearl of the Caribbean project underway 为全新的马匹隔离防疫区。”
(bloodstock advisor to HRH Queen with the signing of the official papers
Elizabeth II), as well as prominent by Allen Chastanet, Prime Minister of 当天活 动主要为带 领 来自加勒比 海 地 区的
racing figures from all around the world. Saint Lucia, Teo Ah Khing, Chairman 赛马界 权威人士,国际顾问与投资家实地
of the CHC, and Zhang Xiao Jun, 探勘“加勒比海之珠”开发项目的其中三个
“I think St. Lucia is geographically General Manager for LatinAm Regional 地点,也就是坐落于岛屿南端占地700英亩
located in a position that will play a role Operation, China State Construction 的未开发地段。
for China,” remarked Teo Ah Khing, Engineering Corporation.
Chairman of Desert Star Holdings and 隔天,圣卢西亚总理艾伦·切斯特尼、CHC
The China Horse Club (CHC). “We “加 勒比 海之 珠”为一 个市值 达 4 2亿美 元 杰士马主俱 乐 部 张 祖 德 与中建 海 外 事业部
are a club that promotes lifestyle and 的 大 型 综 合 性 开发项目,奠 基 仪 式 邀 请 到 拉 美 营 销中心总 经 理 张小 均分 别 代 表 三方
many of our members have expressed 圣卢西亚总理艾伦·切斯特尼、英国威尔士 于总理官邸签署协议,正式宣告“加勒比海
interest in the Caribbean. Secondly, it 亨利王子殿下、英女王伊丽 莎白二世 纯 血 之珠”项目进入实质发展阶段。