Page 36 - Majestic Vol 5 R3a (1)-PDF
P. 36
Sebring x Joleur colt
Zoustar x Rossarita colt The CHC’s thoroughbred assets are C H C 杰士马主俱 乐 部目前 的马匹资 产 储 备
“摘星勇骥”和“罗萨莉塔”的小公马 currently valued at USD100 million. 已 达一 亿美 元,在全 球各地已 购 入 21匹 顶
The club’s purchase of 21 top stallions 级 种 公马 及 多匹母马 作 繁 育用 途,为 联 合
and high quality broodmares from all 马主 及 投 资 者 带 来了丰 厚 的 回 酬 。经 过长
over the world has paid off handsomely 期的部署,俱乐部也已开始登上拍卖场,分
for its horse owners and investors. 别在美国、英国、爱尔兰、新西兰及澳大利
The CHC has been disposing surplus 亚 成 功拍卖出盈利超 过 2 0 0 0万人民币的马
assets in auction houses in the US, UK, 匹,其中出自“赛百灵”’和“喜悦”的小公
Ireland, New Zealand and Australia 马在2016年末于新西兰纯血马试跑马拍卖
generating more than RMB20 million 会上,创下是日最高拍卖价格,以65万纽币
in gains. One of the sales completed (约 3 14万人民币)售出。除 此 之 外,2 0 17
is that of Sebring-Joleur colt, which 年也正式推介印有CHC肩标品牌的马匹。
at NZD650,000 (approximately 三匹由俱乐部百分百繁育的周岁马在2017
R MB3,140,000), topped the one 神 奇 百 万 黄 金 海 岸周 岁马 拍 卖 会上,以 总
day record at the 2016 New Zealand 价70万澳币(约362万人民币)全部成功拍
Bloodstock Ready to Run Sale. In 2017, 出,另外三 匹占 有 5 0 %股 权与各育马 场 联
the CHC will officially promote the 合 拥 有 的周 岁马,也 以 总价10 2 万澳币(约
CHC brand through the sale of its horse. 582万人民币)结标。
Three of the club’s yearlings recently
made their debut in the 2017 Magic
Millions Yearling Sale where they were
sold for AUD700,000 (approximately
RMB3.62 million). Three more
yearlings, in which the CHC had
50% interest, were also sold for a total
of AUD1.02 million (approximately
RMB5.82 million).
34 MAjestic