Page 36 - Majestic Vol 6
P. 36
08Frankel x Lovetorn Colt “范高尔”x“爱极致”小公马
Brazen Beau x Calvados Colt
“黄铜公子”x“卡瓦尔多斯”小公马 RISE IN THE GLOBAL
O’Reilly x Better Alternative Colt SALES MARKET
The 2017 thoroughbred auction season 时 值 2 0 17 纯 血马拍卖 季,C H C 杰士马主
34 MAjestic has seen the CHC’s breeding arm 俱 乐 部 再 度 强 势 来 袭 。在 今年悉 尼 举 行
delivers some wonderful returns for 的“殷 利殊复活节周岁马拍卖会”上,
members. At the Inglis Easter Yearling 名 驹 范 高尔 ( F r a n ke l )之子与名 驹 莱 利星
Sale held in Sydney this year, a Frankel (O’Reilly)之女分别拍出了8 0万澳币与
colt and an O’Reilly filly were sold for 6 0万澳币的高价。而在五月的黄金海岸
AUD800, 000 and AUD600, 000 国 家 拍 卖 会 中,C H C 首度也 将旗 下的 第
respectively. In May at the Magic 一 批 断 奶 马 列 入 拍 卖 名 单 ,其 中 母 马
Millions National Weanling Sale, “卡瓦尔多斯”(C alvados)与“黄 铜公
CHC’s first batch of weanlings were 子”(Brazen Beau)配种诞下的小公马也
also offered for sale, with a Brazen 以27万澳币的高价售出(配种费为4万澳
Beau colt out of the mare Calvados 币+服务税)。
fetched AUD 270,000 (breeding fee
was AUD40, 000 + GST). The CHC
will be selling yearlings and foals
in the US and across Europe in the
second half of 2017.