Page 73 - Majestic Vol 6
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aged three years and above, held over a distance of 1,100m, Profile档案 3 YO, Colt三岁小公马
with total prize money of AUD700,000 (approximately Sire by Snitzel, Dam by Ballet D’amour
RMB3.7 million). Three-year-old colt Russian Revolution, 父系为“犀利时”,母系为“我爱芭蕾”
racing on behalf of the CHC and partners, was amongst Trains under Peter Snowden and Paul Snowden. Russian
the club’s first yearlings purchased in 2015. Prior to this, he Revolution is an active horse. He loves his work. He is very
was the winner of four of his five starts. After a three-and- quiet around the stable but is high energetic on race days.
a-half-month break, Russian Revolution returned to the 他的性格宜动宜静,通常他在马房里都非常乖巧安静,与在赛场上拼
racetrack in this G1 level race partnered by jockey McEvoy. 劲十足全力开跑的状态有着天壤之别。“俄国先锋”在施诺敦及施保
Having drawn barrier 14, Russian Revolution was not in
an advantageous position. However, he started well and 澳 大 利亚 悉 尼金 拖 鞋 大赛日为 澳 大 利亚年 度 经 典 赛 马盛 会之
settled midfield. In the home straight, at the urging of 一,受 重 视 程 度仅次于 墨尔 本 杯,当天 最 具 看头的非专为两岁
McEvoy, Russian Revolution came with a determined run 马而办的金拖鞋大奖赛莫属,那也是全球奖金最高的两岁马赛
for the final chase and dug deep in the last 50m to edge past 事,总奖金达350万澳币(约1795万人民币)。
stablemate Redzel and Jungle Edge before recording a half-
length win. Russian Revolution has succeeded in claiming 当日,C H C也 放马出 赛 参 与了金 拖 鞋 赛 事日的 第 8 场的星 河大
all graded stakes titles (G1, G2 and G3), and has earned 赛。星河大赛为1100米的G1一级赛,是只供三岁以上的马参加
over AUD860,000 (approximately RMB4,390,000) in 的 短 程 冲刺 赛,赛 事总 奖 金 为7 0 万澳币(约 3 7 0 万人民币)。
prize money (he was a AUD320,000 Inglis Easter Yearling CHC旗下出赛的这匹三岁小公马“俄国先锋”是俱乐部在2015
Sales purchased by the CHC). 年买下的 第一批 周岁马。之前“俄国先 锋”一共出赛 5 次,并取
得了4冠1殿 的 佳 绩 。此 次在休息 三个半月后,他 和 搭 档 骑师麦
Trainer Paul Snowden said: “Both horses have run terrific. I 凯维重返赛场,出战这场国际一级赛!
couldn’t have asked for anything better. He threw the rider
yesterday, he nearly threw her this morning, so we’ve been “俄国先 锋”在 这 场 赛 事 抽中了不 具优 势 的 第14号闸门,出闸
handling him with kid gloves the last 24 hours.” Teo Ah 后他一直 处 在中段 跑 位,直 到 最 后一 个转 弯后,在 麦凯 维 的 指
Khing, Chairman of the CHC said: “Russian Revolution 引下,“俄国先锋”向内跑道靠,并在最后50米卯足全力,超越
certainly did not disappoint. This victory holds great 了一直领 跑 的同门师兄“红 达 时 ”和“丛 林边 缘”,以半 个马头
significance for us Chinese owners. Furthermore, I would 的“绝杀”马位脱颖而出,成功为自己取得了所有级别赛(G1、
like to express my gratitude to his trainers, the Snowden G 2 及G 3)的大 满贯,而且 赢 取 总奖金已 超 过 8 6万澳币(约 4 3 9
team, for their wonderful job with him.” 万人民币),早已 收回马主的 投 资(3 2万澳币购 于2 015 殷 利殊
Currently one of the best three-year-olds in Australia,
Russian Revolution’s prospects have been enhanced, and 他 的 练马师 施 诺 敦 表 示:“他 的 表 现 太 棒了,我 们 还 担心 他 会
now multi million dollar values. Russian Revolution is 不 会因 玩心太 重而 有所 失误 。他 昨天把 骑 师甩下,今早也 差 点
expected to compete in the world’s richest race on turf – the 让 她再次 从马背上摔 下来 。”人在 现 场的 C H C 杰士马主俱乐 部
AUD10 million The Everest. The Newmarket Handicap, the 主席张祖德也激动地表示:“‘俄罗先锋’的表现完全不辜负我
Lightning Stakes, the TJ Smith Stakes and next year’s Royal 们对他的期望,此次的胜利对我们来自中国的马主会员来说意
Ascot are all his next big targets. Rising star sprinter Russian 义非凡 重 大 。另外,我 也要 感 激 练马师施 诺 敦 兄 弟对他的完善
Revolution is set to take on the world’s best races. 训练。”
MAjestic 71