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Beginning last year, China Horse Club’s (CHC) Jockey Florent Geroux said of the winner: “I’ve always
two year olds, represented by Goldrush, Bondi, known he had talent. It seemed like he handled the track
Copper Town and Quip, made their racing debuts very well. Both horses (Quip and World of Trouble) were
across three different countries. Now, these horses have doing great, and I’m glad to know Quip was best today.”
embarked on their racing careers as three year olds, with
Audible, Justify and Quip successfully gaining points for Subsequently, Quip headed to Oaklawn Park for a start
the Kentucky Derby. in the G1 Arkansas Derby where he earned 40 points for
finishing second. Quip, alongside fellow CHC stablemates
Compared to Justify, whose superior speed has seen his Audible and Justify, currently take up three of the top 10
meteoric rise to stardom, and Audible, who is undefeated spots on the Kentucky Derby leaderboard.
in two graded stakes, Quip’s racing career has been more
subdued. However, all three are derby-winning horses, 早 在去年开始,当时两岁的C H C杰士马主俱乐部 赛 驹 们开始 逐
with Quip having conquered the G2 Tampa Bay Derby and 渐迎来爆发,以“大浪淘金”、“邦代”、“库伯镇”以及“妙语”
earning 50 qualifying points toward the Kentucky Derby. 为 代 表 的 赛 马 在世 界 各 地 的 新 秀 赛 中崭露 头 角;如 今 这 批 赛
驹也已进 入 三岁的黄金 年龄,尤其 在美国 赛 场,C H C的三匹赛
With odds at 19-1, Quip was not a favourite to win the 驹“聆听”、“正义”、“妙语”都成功在肯塔基德比出赛马排行
Tampa Bay Derby. Breaking from the outermost post 榜上名列前十。
to second place, just a half-length behind front-runner
and favourite World of Trouble, Quip kept a steady pace 相 对于“正 义”如 超 新星 般 的崛 起 速 度,以 及不 断在 级 别 赛上
while applying pressure to the early leader. At the top of 带来惊喜的“聆听”,“妙语”的晋级之路相对“低调”了很多,
the stretch, he began moving and edged clear to win by a 不过 三匹晋级赛马都有一个共同点,那就是各收获了至少一
length. 个德比的头 衔,而“ 妙 语”所 收获的 就 是 坦帕 湾德比 。这 场 德
比 虽 然 只 是 一场二 级赛,但 却 能 获 得 5 0 个肯 塔 基 德比的 晋 级
并 不占优,因此占 据 先机 就极 为重要。从一出发,“妙 语”就排
也 终 于 来 临,他与“烦 恼 世界”的 激 烈 争 持 也引发了现 场 观 众
与“烦恼世界”,“妙 语”曾在此前比 赛中败于“烦恼世界”)都
尔后,“妙 语”再次在美国大 芝 加 哥地 区的奥 克 朗 公 园 赛 马场
再次 赢得 4 0 个积分,也让他与同门师兄弟“聆 听”和“正义”共
Profile档案 Foaled in 2015 出生于2015年
Sire by Distorted Humor, Dam by Princess Ash
A colt that seems to be getting better with
his racing, our ultimate aim will be to look at
securing a G1 victory for this well-bred colt. We
may see that he drops back in distance later in
the season.
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