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and developing on behalf of the St Lucian government.
The project will mirror South Beach Miami or the South
of France as a high-profile destination for the wealthy with
waterfront villas that offer docking for yachts, a large marina
with the ability for home porting for the largest cruise ships
in the world, as well as hotels, casinos and a commodities
trading and storage centre for high end art, gold, etc.
“It is a game changer,” Prime Minister Chastanet said of
Site C. “Even before the elections, we had been indicating
that St Lucia should not expand its cruise ship facilities in
the north, but should take advantage of the international
airport in the south and build facilities for the genesis
boats and home porting. We have been in discussions
with Carnival [Cruise Lines], which is amazing. They
have a home porting facility in Barbados which they have
outgrown. The timing of Site C is phenomenal.”
AN INTERNATIONAL AFFAIR Teo added, “The marina in Castries [capital of St Lucia] has
Teo is pointing to February 2019 for the track ’s grand reached its capacity. The water here [in the south] is deep.
opening, which he hopes will be attended by an It is 22m, which is ideal, with no waves. The channel will
international who’s who of racing both human and equine. be dredged for the cruise ships to come in and out using the
material from the sea or the land to fill the area. We would
“My dream is that next year in February, guys like Bob Baffert like to see it all done by 2020.”
and Todd Pletcher, our trainers in the US, and other trainers
from America and around the world could come down to The centerpiece of the new project will be the expansion
support us,” Teo said. “That would be very nice. I think we of Vieux Fort’s international airport. The runway will be
can also assemble a good caliber of horses at a Classic distance extended and the existing terminal will be transformed into
on the dirt.” He continued, “It is a day for Australians, Asians, an FBO for private jets. In addition, a new state-of-the-art
Americans and Europeans to come and celebrate racing. The terminal will be built to attract commercial planes from around
racing next year will be a great conference.” the world and allow more to enter the island at one time.
“It is very, very exciting for us,” Prime Minister Chastanet “What we are going to be careful with is not to build the
added. “It gives us one whole year to properly promote it and airport to today’s standards, but to anticipate where travel
we will have several projects that will have officially started. is going,” Prime Minister Chastanet said. “How you are
When you are trying to promote a project to investors, processed is going to be completely different. For too long
there is a big difference between the words potential and we have seen the airports not differentiate airline clientele,
reality. I think doing that event and coinciding with a major meaning once your first class and business class passengers
investment forum will continue to promote what we are step off the plane, their differentiation stops. So, the goal
doing with Site C [the site of the new reclamation project].” here is really to create a two-tier system where we treat our
high-end passengers very different. The idea is you’d be
The Prime Minister continued, “In a year’s time, Site C will arriving into a lounge and to use technology where you are
hopefully be started and we can do a major ground breaking. being checked into your hotel right there.” The goal of the
When people can see the pictures of what we proposed for Pearl of the Caribbean project is to raise the status of the
the horse racing track and what we delivered is exactly that island of St Lucia to an elite level.
picture, it gains confidence. One of Teo’s strengths is what
they are drawing up is exactly what it looks like. It is not an “It will become like a South Beach, but instead of Art Deco,
approximation, it is an accurate depiction of what is going to we will develop our own unique architectural theme,” Prime
be delivered on the ground.” Minister Chastanet said. “I am extremely excited. It gives
you the ability to put between 1,500 and 2,000 rooms in
SOUTH BEACH MEETS THE SOUTH OF one space which augments your home porting because 50%
FRANCE of the business will come on flights.”
Site C that the Prime Minister referred to is a currently
unnamed reclamation project that Teo’s firm is designing The Pearl of the Caribbean will also help lower the high
unemployment rate, which is especially prominent in the
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