Page 163 - MAjestic v7
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The two-week internship provided us the opportunity to
gain an understanding of elite industry standards and the
practitioners’ confidence and pride in Australian horse
breeding. Breeding farms, horse hospitals, schools and
industry organisations adhere to the codes of practice of
the trade with great attention to detail. All practitioners
we encountered shared their experience with us in a clear
and vivid manner which also indicates their profound
knowledge, considerable experience and great pride in
their work.

行业标 准以 及 从 业 人 员对 行业 的自信 和自豪 让 人印象 深
刻。不 论 是育马场、马医 院、学 校 还 是 行业 协 会 都 在 有条
实习中遇 到的 澳 大 利亚 从 业 人 员在向大 家分享 经 验 时 无

                                                                  whether to race or breed in Australia or export to another
                                                                  country. Domestically, Aushorse has an important role to
                                                                  play in introducing new owners to the fun and excitement of
                                                                  racehorse ownership.

Thoroughbred Breeders Australia (TBA) is the national             TBA is committed to supporting the Chinese breeding industry,
peak body established for the benefit of the Australian           and working in partnership with owners to ensure that the
thoroughbred breeding industry, which is the second largest       industry in China continues to grow and develop successfully,
in the world. It’s second only to the United States in terms      which is why the 2017 Breeding Programme was organised.
of thoroughbred horse population; in 2017, the number of
mares (20,127) and stallions (588) in Australia dwarfs that of    澳大利亚纯血马繁育者协会( TBA)是旨在为澳大利亚纯血马繁
other established breeding countries such as the UK, Ireland,     育业 服 务 的官方 机构,也是世界第二大 纯 血马繁 育者 协 会。澳 大
Japan and New Zealand.                                            利亚的纯 血马存 栏 量 仅次于美国,截 至 2 017,这 里有母马2 0 ,12 7
                                                                  匹,种 公马5 8 8 匹,超 过 其他 主 流 育马国家如 英国、爱尔兰、日本
TBA play an integral role in ensuring Australia remains a world-  和新西兰等。
leader in thoroughbred breeding by fostering strong government
relationships, securing funding for research and development,     为了保 证 澳 大 利亚作 为世界 纯 血马育马业 的 领导 者,T B A营 造 强
assisting with industry policy making, working alongside racing   而有力的政府关系、为研发找投资、协助制定行业政策、与赛马立
regulators to ensure positive outcomes for breeders, and keeping  法 者 合 作 保 证 育马者 利益,以 及让行业 从 业者、利益攸 关方 和 公
industry participants, stakeholders and the broader public        众知晓行业的成功和挑战。
informed of the successes and issues within our industry.
                                                                  T B A 还有一 个市场分支机构 —澳马( A u sh o r se)。澳马旨在 鼓 励 海
TBA also incorporates a marketing body, known as Aushorse.        外投资,投资可以是在澳大利亚比赛或繁育,也可以是马匹出口。
Aushorse’s aim is to encourage investment from overseas,          在澳大利亚本土,澳马还肩负着一个重要职责,那就是向新马主
                                                                  介 绍 成为赛 马马主的乐趣 和激情所在。T B A 致 力于支持中国纯 血
                                                                  马繁 育业的 发 展,于 2 0 17 首次 主 办 纯 血马繁 育 实习项目,把 相关

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