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its natural beauty and engaging people, but that first         This project was not just my Dad’s
visit was enough to encourage our group to look more           lifelong dream because he loved
seriously at whether there would be opportunities here in      horses, it was his dream because he
St Lucia we could explore and if, in turn, we could make       was bringing what he experienced in
a contribution to St Lucia as well. We are not in business     the United States back to his home
for the sake of business alone.”

Anyone who knew Winston, knew he was nothing if not
determined, and from that initial meeting on, he went above
and beyond to keep the government and DSH Caribbean
Star Limited, which is Teo’s team overseeing the St Lucia
project, connected and moving forward on the island’s first

“Winston was very proud of his country and understood the      卢西亚并不了解,只听闻这里自然风光明媚,民风淳朴。是次的
bigger picture of what St Lucia can become if you can marry    访问加深了我对这个岛屿的印象,更让团队看到并重视这里的
public support with international investment,” Teo said. “As   开发潜力,并为在地经济发展作出贡献,对于我们来说,项目开
we became closer with Winston, his passion for horses and      发不能仅仅在商言商而已。” CHC主席张祖德在谈到温斯顿
horse racing became even more apparent. His desire for St      时如是说。
Lucia to have a horse industry was very clear, but it was not
his alone.”                                                    认识 温 斯 顿的 人都 知 道,他是 一 个坚 毅 的 人,从 最初的会面开
                                                               始,他奔走在政 府和大漠马业加勒比海之星控 股有限公司之
“Winston was a man with a dream and that dream was             间,积极推进项目的进展。张主席继续说道:“温斯顿对自己的
infectious,” Teo said. “He helped convince us that St          国家有着强烈的自豪感,他深知圣卢西亚项目的美好未来需要
Lucians have a passion for horses. But more than that,         政府和国际资本的通力合作。随着我们和他的关系更加紧密,
Winston was a man of integrity and a vital link to helping     就越能感受到他对这个产业的热情。他推动圣卢西亚赛马业的
us move beyond the political rhetoric and better understand    强 烈 欲 望,并 不只 是 为了实 现个人的梦 想而已 。温 斯 顿有 着 一
the needs and wants of the people of St Lucia.”                个梦想,他的梦想也感染了我们。他积极说服我们相信圣卢西
以梦为马,以马为梦                                                      要的是,他是一个正直的人。”

温斯顿的梦想并不小我,他更希望这座加勒比岛国能与美国和                                    BUILDING A LEGACY
中国 如 此的大 国 建 立 联系;发 展 速 度赛 马产业的同时,也 提 高                        In June of 2016, a new Prime Minister, Allen Chastanet of
教育、培训及就业机遇,连带刺激相关周边产业的发展。                                      the United Workers Party, was elected. Luckily for Winston,
                                                               Teo and the team, the new government also supported their
温 斯 顿的儿子小温 斯 顿也 表 示:“赛 马场 项目不仅仅 是我 父 亲                         plans, not only for the racetrack, but for the larger Pearl of the
实现他赛马梦的机会,更让他得以将之前在美国所累积的经验                                    Caribbean project, which had grown beyond even Winston’s
带 回圣 卢 西 亚 施 展 。他 所 期 望 的可 不止 是 建 立一座 可 媲 美 世                  wildest dreams to include a casino, cruise ship ports, marina,
界的赛马场,而是要为圣卢西亚人民带来一个长久的机遇与灵                                    hotels, waterfront villas and much more.
感 。父 亲并 不 在 意自己的 职 衔,又 或者 他能 赚 多少 钱,而是实
实在在地以完成在圣卢西亚第一座赛马场为最终梦想。之所以                                    “When we first began to speak about this project as a new
说‘最终梦想’,是因为这个梦想早从我的祖父那一代就已经开                                   government, Winston Trim was at the forefront with the
始酝酿了,只是他投入的时间和精力不比父亲来得多。”                                      developers explaining the prospects for St Lucia and the
                                                               history behind the project,” PM Chastanet said. “I was
温 斯 顿 是我 父 亲的 挚 友 。2 0 16 年一月我 们 举 家 到圣 卢 西 亚探                 struck by his passion for the racetrack. He put his heart
访的时候,他就兴致勃勃地告诉我说,他的梦想开始有了实现                                    and soul into it. It was his dream to see this project finally
的 端 倪;他的 计 划不仅仅获 得 到了当时的首 相肯尼·安东尼博                             materialise and he wasn’t just enthusiastic with his words.
士及政府的支持,更吸引了CHC杰士马主俱乐部张祖德主席的                                   He also did the footwork. He went the extra mile. He was
注 意,这也意 味 着,赛 马场之梦即 将 开始 起飞。作 为一名美 国                           always available to answer questions and he was a wealth
赛马媒体的从业员,我对CHC这几年在国际上所取得的成就和                                   of information because of his background in racing and his
轰动效应印象非常深刻。                                                    travels. Even when we seemingly faced challenges with the
                                                               project, he was eager to speak about what we could do to
“他与我 们的 集团进 行接 触 后,就 极 力促 成 集团 在 2 0 15 年 初                    fix it. He would go from ministry to ministry speaking to
对圣卢 西 亚 所 进 行 的 探 访,也 与 前任 总 理肯尼·安东尼阁下 取                       whoever he had to in order to get things moving.”
得 联系,洽 谈 投 资发 展 圣卢 西 亚的可能性 。在 此 之前,我 对圣

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