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During the Tourism Cultural Cup in July, the event and Hainan Province visited on-site to have a more 01_Launching ceremony of
was an industry spotlight with the launching ceremony thorough understanding of the sport. the mid-term evaluations
of the mid-term evaluations and promotion meetings and promotion meetings
of the Equine Disease Free Zone (EDFZ) of Ejin Another highlight in the August race was Qin Yong, of the EDFZ of Ejin Horo
Horo Banner. Ejin Horo Banner stands to become the CHC/Yitai Desert Star’s jockey, returning from Banner, Ordos
second EDFZ after Conghua, Guangzhou if it meets Australia and competing in the races, attracting new 鄂尔多斯市伊金霍洛旗无
evaluation standards. horse owners to participate. In addition, the offspring
of star stallion, North Dakota, made their debut to 规定马属动物疫病区建设
The must-watch race meeting’s undeniable the public with their photos displayed at the race
presence on China’s racing calendar is highlighted meet on the LCD screen. The strong collaboration 启动仪式暨中期评估推进
by Yitai Desert Star Horse Industries. The company between Yitai Desert Star Horse Industries and
has established itself via thoroughbred f lat racing, Wuhan Business University along with an on-course 会圆满举行
building commercial platforms, and boosting the city’s spectators’ experience, only serves to highlight Yitai 02_Deputy Party Secretary
industrial transformation. It also aims to successfully Desert Star’s commitment to driving and developing and Mayor of Yiqi Banner
connect horse industries at home and abroad, develop the horse industry in China, and expanding the Hua Ruifeng
local tourism and create a unique first-class sports horseracing track record to incorporate sports, tourism 伊金霍洛旗旗委副书记,
experience. and products.
More than any other year, 2018’s CECF best A heavy star presence at CECF saw the likes of 03_Deputy Party Secretary
epitomised the company’s efforts in hosting races. CHC’s Lifestyle Ambassador Li Xiaoling, Miss and Acting Mayor of Ordos
This year, Travel Channel joined in as a naming Universe China 2016 Joyce Li and the famous Olympic City Siqinbilike declaring
sponsor and government officials from Hubei Province showjumper Luciana Diniz, attending. the event open
28 MAjestic