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a dozen had accomplished the feat before, only one        尔蒙特 锦标的赛程为240 0米,是 三冠 赛中距离最 长的一
was undefeated like Justify, and none of them were
unraced as a 2-year-old like Justify, who entered the     战,所以古往今来,美国百年 赛马史 上也仅仅 只有12匹赛
Derby off four straight wins this year.
                                                          马成 功夺 得“三冠王”桂 冠,其中有一段时间更 是 空 等了
  Justify drew the one-hole, which could be a
disadvantage as the jockey would likely be forced to      37年之 久。
send him to the front sooner in order to find a good
spot in the clear. He broke well and moved to an early    “正义”在贝尔蒙特锦标中抽到了1号闸位,在参赛马匹
lead, a position he never relinquished from start to
finish. Jockey Mike Smith and the colt were perfectly     众多又是中长途距离的比赛中,位于赛道两侧的闸位并不算
in sync as they moved around the first turn, leading
by 1½ lengths. Heading into the backstretch, Justify      非常理想,需要良好的出闸来争取有利跑位。加上此前必利
settled into a relaxed rhythm, setting a comfortable
tempo that the rest of the field was unable to match.     时 锦 标 的 险 胜,赛 前 也曾
At 800m, Smith asked for a little more and Justify
responded. He cruised further clear in the lane under     有媒体赛事专栏做出评论                                               PROFILE
a hand ride to win the Belmont by a geared down 1 ¾       为“正义”担忧。
lengths. Surrounded by roaring fans, Justify achieved                                   2015Foaled in 出生于
immortality, becoming the 13th Triple Crown winner.             开闸后,从1号闸位出
                                                          发的“正 义”轻微偏向左           Sired by Scat Daddy out of the mare Stage Magic
  Winning the Triple Crown provided the China             内 侧,但 经 验 老 道 的 骑 师             父系为“即兴老爹”,母系为“魔幻法术”
Horse Club members in attendance with an                  史文夫很快就完成了线路
overwhelming sense of satisfaction and joy, cheering      纠 正。作 为 所 有参 赛 马 匹     Trained by Hall of Famer Bob Baffert, Triple Crown
wildly and hugging one another. Afterwards, in the        中最具速度实力的赛马,          winner Justify is undefeated in six starts. Justify has
winner’s circle, the whole world witnessed the colors of  “正 义”的贝尔 蒙 特 锦 标     been retired from racing and will stand at Coolmore’s
the Chinese flag proudly displayed as Justify’s owners    出 闸 策 略 就 是 两 个 字:领
were presented with the 2018 Belmont Stakes trophy                                  Ashford Stud in 2019 for a fee of USD150,000.
and the redesigned Triple Crown trophy.                                        “正义”由名人堂练马师巴富达训练,是具有“不败金身”
      2 0 18 年 6月9 日,不 再 是 大 雨,不 再 是 大 雾,天 公 终 于
作美,贝尔蒙特公园赛马场晴日当空,仿佛是以光明预示来                                                               什福育马场,2019年配种费为15万美元。
迎 接 新 的“三 冠 王”诞 生。现 场 近 九 万名观 众,可 谓 万众 期
盼,人们纷纷带上醒目的王冠头饰来为一匹赛马加油。他,                                跑。人马配合,“正义”冲劲十足,迅速到第一跑位,并以1个
就 是 C H C杰士马主俱乐部 与 赢 星育马场 等合作伙伴联合所
有的赛马,“正义” 。                                               半马身优势进入首个弯道。其他的马匹都不敢与其在速度上

      在贝尔蒙特 锦标赛之前,“正 义”先后在G1肯塔基德                          较 劲,纷 纷 采 取 跟 随 跑 法。成 为 速 度 引领 的“正 义”越 跑 越
比及G1必利时 锦标 上 突围,此 次 更 是 远 赴 纽 约完成最 后
一 冠 的征 程。从西岸到东 岸,历时 数 周,长 途奔 波比 赛,                        顺,并逐 渐控 制,放 慢 步 伐 调 整,在12 0 0 米 赛 程 处,已 经牢
对 赛 马乃至背后整 个团队 的考验 绝 非 一 般。再加 之G1贝




                                                          没有任何悬念,“正义” 在全场九万观众的狂喜尖叫中以1又

                                                          3/4个马身优势冲过终点,“赛马之神” 再度眷顾,美国第13






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