Page 59 - Majestic V8
P. 59


The last racing season yielded fantastic results for CHC: from Justify making history with his
Triple Crown win, to notable achievements in the 2018 Breeders’ Cup World Championships,
as well as a victory in the G1 New Zealand 2000 Guineas and General Zabeel scoring four
consecutive wins in the Grand Prix of China Flat Racing. These achievements further highlight
CHC’s racing achievements and strong involvement around the world. To date, CHC has
accumulated 31 G1 wins and secured victories in over 450 races worldwide.
上个赛 季对C H C杰士马主俱乐部 来说 绝 对是 一 个丰 收 季。从“正 义”在 三 冠 王的历史性
再 到赛 马“将军公社”中国赛区的四 连 冠,这 些 辉 煌 的战 绩,彰显了C H C 在 全 球 范围顶
   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64