Page 75 - Majestic V8
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However, I’ve never been a person to throw in the help but let your mind PROFILE
towel. If we did it once as a group, surely it stands to think back to Justify,
reason we could do it again. You must hang in there, the big chestnut horse, 2016Foaled in 出生于
trust the systems, work hard and hope for some luck to white-faced with the
come your way. beautiful stride – it was Sired by City Zip out of the mare Rare Event
Another call from Bob Baffert, some months later,
piqued some interest. “That City Zip colt might be a striking similar – as Improbable is trained by Hall of Fame trainer Bob
talent”. Improbable, our 2-year-old colt selected from Improbable was eased Baffert. The colt is our Kentucky Derby hope for
the same Keeneland ring as Justify, just a year later, for down as the easiest of
USD200,000, bearing a strikingly similar big white G1 winners. 2019.
face to the champ, was paid the highest of compliments “惊奇”由名人堂练马师巴富达训练。他被视为CHC赛马
when he was placed into the stall previously occupied
by Justify and American Pharoah before him. He was It’s a mile to the 团队冲击2019肯塔基德比的最佳候选。
showing the talent in the mornings that gets a trainer’s
heart racing. Derby, so many
hurdles, races and
29 September was the first time we faced the variables to come between now and then. So, we don’t
starter, a maiden special at Santa Anita saw a nice get too far ahead of ourselves, but I wouldn’t swap our
debut victory, although still very raw and immature. spot with any other as I write this. As highly improbable
Breeders’ Cup weekend is a big weekend each year, it could be to have another Derby prospect, the year
full of the best of the best in G1 races but Improbable after a Triple Crown winner, we round out 2018 with
caught the attention of all in his second start, in the the clear indication we have an extremely exciting live
Grade 3 Street Sense Stakes, on the undercard. A prospect to head to battle with in 2019.
seven-length demolition utilising his speed, coupled
with his big beautiful long stride, brought back 一声电话响起,是来自练马师巴富达打来的,正是这位
Kentucky Derby memories. 神 奇 的“魔 术 师”缔 造 了“正 义”在 美 国 三 冠 王 大 赛 中 的 荣
耀。在 成千上 万 的 周 岁马中 挑 选 一 匹 未 来 G 1赛 冠 军是 一 个
You start to get excited, the mind and imagination 极 大 的 挑 战,而 要 寻觅一 匹 像“正 义”和“西 雅 图 回 旋”一
wanders. Could we have another G1 colt? Could we 样的历史级赛马更是难得。
have another Kentucky Derby horse? Then you check
yourself. It’s a Grade 3, let’s not get carried away, we 经 过 多年 的 努力,C H C目前已 经 打造出成 熟 的 筛 选以
discuss among the ownership group. Let’s keep our 及 纯 血马 运 作 体系,继“正 义”之 后,也 期 待 幸 运 女 神 再 次
feet on the ground. 眷顾。更幸运的是,我们还拥有如巴富达如此顶尖的练马师
The G1 Los Alamitos Futurity has thrown up 话,说:“‘城市速度’有一匹很有天赋的小马。”
some very good 2YOs in the past. A P Indy, Real
Quiet, Point Given, Into Mischief, Pioneer of the Nile, 和“正义”一样同样出自基兰拍卖会,两岁的“惊奇”售
Shared Belief, Mastery and Mckinzie all found success 价为20万美元(约137万人民币),他的脸上有和“正义”相
as late 2YOs in this G1 race. A plan was set in place to 同的白色标识,巴富达对他给出了和“正义”及“美国法老”
see if Improbable could add his name to this extremely 一样的高评价。
high-quality group of colts.
9月2 9日是“惊 奇”首 次 在 大 众 面 前 亮 相,尽管 仍 未 成
As the gates crashed open, we all held our breath, as 熟,对 赛 场 的 仍 有些 生 疏,但 他 仍 然 惊 艳 地 获 得了胜 利;而
in the next two minutes you start to know if you have a 在11月的 育马 者 杯 赛 马日中,拿 下G 3 赛 街头 感 觉 表 列 赛 冠
real one, a chance as the big 3YO races or conversely 军,7个马 身 的 距 离也让 许 多马迷 想 起了肯 塔 基 德 比 中 的历
you get disappointed, the bubble can burst. 史记 忆。或许 G 3 赛 还 不 够 有分 量,但 接 下来 G 1赛洛斯 阿拉
As the race turned for home, jockey Drayden van
Dyke started to ask Improbable to work through “惊 奇”位 于 1号 闸 出 赛,率 先 出 闸 的 他 占 据 内 栏 优 势
his gears, to stretch that neck and go out after the 跑位,并在骑师 范戴克的策骑下采取跟随 策略;在最后直
leading horses. With each bound gaining momentum, 道 冲 刺 时 刻,“惊 奇”展 现 出了很 好 的 竞 技 状 态,最 终 再 次
as we all inched forward on our seats, that big long 以 近7个马位的巨 大优势率先 通 过 终点,惊 艳赛场问鼎头
stride starting to work, a couple of taps with the stick 马,凭借这场胜利他顺利获得了2019年肯塔基德比赛的10
focused his attention, that neck stretched as he got 个积分。
upsides with the leader. Then we saw something
rare, a lowering and further lengthening of stride as 目前,“惊 奇”备 受 期 待 能 在 今 年 的 肯 塔 基 德 比 上有 着
Improbable moved one, two, three, four, five lengths 出色的表现,以延续“正义”的辉煌战绩。
clear in a matter of a sixteenth of a mile. You couldn’t
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