Page 79 - Majestic V8
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Joining The Elite                                        the stretch, the field seemingly gasping for breath          01_Bob Baffert (R2) and
                                                         as two great fillies went to war, stride for stride they        CHC Chairman Teo Ah
  Five weeks later, we assembled again, this time        went, a battle for the ages, neither willing to lay down
in New York, for the running of the Grade 1 Acorn        and concede defeat. Then, a bump as they both made        Khing. A successful trainer
Stakes, held at Belmont Park, or “big sandy” as the      decent contract with each other, just short of the line,     and owner combination
locals call it due to its large track size. The hunter   as Abel Tasman’s unique aptitude of strength carried         名人堂”练马师巴富达
now became the hunted: as the reining Oaks               her to a narrow and memorable victory it seemed.            (右二)与CHC主席张
champion, everyone wanted to take a shot at the          Those three races took Abel Tasman into the elite           祖德(右一),练马师与
newest star of the USA female racing scene.              category: she was a filly of a decade, for some, maybe          马主的“黄金组合”
                                                         of a lifetime, a unique animal, a four-time Grade 1
  A race in contrast, Abel Tasman found herself          winner. They are very hard to find.                       02_From last to first: Abel
in some traffic difficulties back in the back before a                                                                   Tasman’s racing style
lightning quick move and a brave rail hugging move       封“后”之路
opened the path for Abel Tasman to show her class,                                                                 keeps fans and spectators
guided by the master jockey, Mike Smith. A second              五个星 期 后,我 们 再 聚 纽 约,征 战 G 1赛 美 国 橡 树 果 锦                             on their toes
Grade 1 race in succession, and third now in total,      标。这一次“探 险 家”已 不 再 是 冠 军 的 挑 战 者,而 是 所 有人
left her owners ecstatic, her trainer starting to talk   期待击败的新科橡树大赛冠军。“探险家”出闸后依旧落在                                     时常上演惊天逆转,
about her in rarefied air and her jockey as cool as ice  队伍 后 端,不过,在 史 文 夫 的 带 领 下“,探 险 家”再度 绝 地 冲                    “探险家”的比赛风格
taking it all in. The public and press had found their   刺赢得了第二个G1冠军,让她成为了媒体新宠儿。
newest star.                                                                                                                            极为吸粉
                                                               两战 过 后 练马师 对 她进行了评 估,没有疲 劳、没有伤
  Flown back to California, while her trainer            痛“,探险家”再次做好了出战准备——马车会美国橡树赛。                                              MAjestic 77
assessed her closely: watching for any small sign of     萨拉托加,一个疯狂的赛马之城,五万名狂热的马为出身当
tiredness, soreness or lack of enthusiasm and diet,      地 的 练 马 师 比 尔·莫 特 欢 呼,期 待 他 的 爱 驹“志 得 意 满”获
he found none. This star mare was clearly in her         胜。比 赛 如 期 进 行,两 位 最 受 欢 迎 的 选 手 跑 到了最 前 面,缔
zone both physically and mentally. This time, the        造了一场数十年难得一见的战斗,最终,“探险家”仅仅以微
destination was Saratoga in upstate New York.            弱的优势赢得了这场史诗之战。四场G1赛冠军,“探险家”
  A magical place that is long steeped in USA racing
tradition, it’s a racing mad town from mid-July to
early September, where, over seven weeks, 42 race
days are run. The race panned out as expected, with
the two favourites moving to the front at the top of
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