Page 27 - Majestic Vol.03
P. 27
and participated in a race meet and gala CHC杰士马主俱乐部联合承办,湖北省马 和新加坡成功举办三届之后,首次登陆
event. The race meet was run in compliance 术协会进行赛事监督,中国马术协会支持 湖北荆楚大地。
with international practice and regulations, 的“2015武汉速度赛马公开赛秋季开锣赛
making it one of the highest calibre races in 暨CECF驭马文化节中国武汉站”的赛事, 赛事当天冠盖云集,国内外媒体与众多
Mainland China. This was also CECF’s debut 于2015年9月19日在武汉东方马城国际赛 贵宾齐聚一堂,见证了这次赛马日中中
in Hubei, following the success of previous 马场隆重开赛。 国马业与国际再一次接轨,同时更是中
CECF events in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, the 国精英马主奔向世界的通路与窗口。
Yangtze Delta region, and Singapore. 中国首个以马主为参赛主体的常态化速度
The CECF Wuhan Race Day was witnessed 军骑师、精英马主,赛事按照国际惯例进
by an assembly of prominent dignitaries, 行组织与监管,是目前中国国内最具水准
local and foreign media personnel, 的速度赛马赛事之一,也是继CECF驭马文
connecting the world to the Chinese 化节于中国内蒙古呼和浩特、中国长三角
equestrian industry, and also bridging
Chinese elite horse owners with their
counterparts around the world.