Page 100 - Majestic Vol4
P. 100

LEGENDS OF GENGHIS KHAN                     成吉思汗的迷思             成吉思汗陵日夜由达尔扈特人守护。达尔
The Mausoleum of Genghis Khan in Ejin       对于全世界各地的蒙古族朝拜者来说,位  术、木华黎)的后裔,如今大多已经到了
Horo Banner of Ordos is a sanctuary for     于鄂尔多斯伊金霍洛旗的成吉思汗陵是他  第37、38代。成吉思汗去世后,达尔扈特
pilgrims from all over the world. During    们心中的圣地。每年农历新年和四季交替  人被免除了兵役和税收。他们在这里一心
the four seasonal and lunar New Year        之时,这里都会举行盛大的祭祀仪式。常  守护圣主的陵墓,追忆大汗金戈铁马征服
ceremonies every year, nearly 100,000       常会有近十万人前来献上他们对于心中圣  半个欧亚大陆的传奇。
people will gather to pay homage to their   主最崇高的敬意。每年大大小小的祭祀活
Emperor Lord, although there are also 60    动大约有六十次。            八百年来,古老神秘的仪式世代相承。而
other special rituals throughout the year.                      在陵区一直生活着白色的神马。一代又一
                                            没有人确切知道秘葬的成吉思汗如今究竟  代的神马被认为是成吉思汗坐骑的转世。
No one knows exactly where the Khan         安息在何处,但是在蒙古族文化中,供奉  它们平时在草原上自由栖息,但是每年的
was secretly buried, but this mausoleum     着成吉思汗画像和生前物品的成吉思汗陵  春祭大典“查干苏鲁克”期间,达尔扈特
commemorating the mighty ruler,             依然拥有神圣的地位。这里还供奉有苏力  人会引导它们接受人们的朝拜。
contains some of his belongings and         德——蒙古族长矛形状的图腾,象征着力
images, as well as spear-shaped totems      量与权威。
called sulde, sacred in Mongolian culture.

The mausoleum is guarded by the Darhad
people, most of whom are 37th or 38th
generation — descendents of Bo’orchu
and Muqali, two famous Mongol generals
who had the special privilege of guarding
the Khan’s mausoleum after his death.
This area commemorating the legends of
warriors riding horses to conquer half of
the Eurasian continent.

Ancient and mystic ceremonies have
been maintained for over 800 years, and
there is a white sacred horse around
the mausoleum area. Generation after
generation, the horse, which is considered
as the reincarnation of Genghis Khan’s
horse, freely lived in the grasslands,
and is only led by the Darhad people
to be worshipped by pilgrims during
Tsagaansurek, or spring sacrifice.

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