Page 119 - Majestic Vol4
P. 119

STAGE 3:                                            第三轮筛选:综合考量           FINAL STAGE: CALM AUCTION
                                                    经过两轮筛选,最终的竞拍马匹名单也基   The sales ring is the gathering place for
Having gone through two stages of                   本确定。在最后阶段会进行第三轮的筛选   industry leaders and some of the world’s
selection, the buyer’s list is narrowed             也是最后的确认。这个阶段一般在拍卖会   biggest players, so perhaps this is where
to an elite few. This leads us to the               正式开始前的1-2天内,此时,所有的待  one can spot top horse owners or racing
final stage of the selection process: the           拍马匹已在拍卖会场所外的马房内汇集。   bigwigs. However the most interesting
confirmation stage. One-to-two days                 专业团队成员及顾问会根据此前筛选过的   aspect of a horse auction is, no matter
prior to an auction, the horses are placed          名单,再重新“视察”一遍所有选定的马   how intense the bidding gets with price
in the auction stables where the team of            匹,再进行第三次的“精挑细选”。     steadily climbing up, you will not see
professionals will confirm their selection                               bidders raising cards to signal their bids;
by re-examining their previous choices.             同时,对这些马匹进行血统家族后代表现   instead, a look, or other subtle gesture
                                                    等的统计学分析,通过直接和间接两方面   isused by the bidder to convey their bid
They will also performstatistical                   的“双保险”最终锁定有意竞拍的马匹,   to bid-spotters who would then relay
assessments based on the horse’s breeding           并设定出价的预算及策略。以上整个程序   the bids to the auctioneer. So, before the
and past race performance to determine              完成,你就能信心十足的迈入拍卖会场,   hammer has fallen, nobody will know the
the final selection of horses, and formulate        为看中的马匹竞价了。           identity of his or her bidding competitor.
a spending limit and strategy. The whole
selection process is now complete, so you can                            终极程序:冷静的竞拍现场
confidently settle into a chair in the sales arena
to bid for the horses of your choice.                                    拍卖现场是育马精英及世界级马主云集的

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