Page 122 - Majestic Vol4
P. 122


     Apart from providing horse training, a
     horse trainer finds and purchases top
     quality horses for horse owners and stables.
     With Thompson’s extensive experience,
     is he able to take one look and judge a
     horse’s form? “There is no hard and fast
     rule when it comes to judging a horse.
     However, I believe that an outstanding
     horse possesses one distinct quality, that
     is, a pleasant attitude – be it in training
     or in race. A healthy appetite and a strong
     physique are also important. All these
     years, the winners that I have worked
     with all have one thing in common, that
     is, they possess a strong physique.”

     On the other hand, Thompson realized          have the ability to do that too. Horses are                          CHC horse owners visit
     that a trainer’s personality has a strong     very intuitive animals, so they need to be                           Thompson's Randwick stable
     influence on the horse’s temperament. “I      taught with love and patience.                                       CHC杰士马主到澳大利亚汤培
     am a good natured and relaxed person, so                                                                           信的马房参观
     the horses that I train have similar traits.  “I believe that a good trainer needs to
     Vice versa, if a trainer has a bad temper,    first experience a horse‘s natural behavior  另一方面,长时间与马匹相处的他也发现
     then the horses under his care will display   patterns. From there, you would be able      到练马师的性情会深深影响到马匹的脾
     the same kind of characteristic.” The         to understand how over time, training        气。“我是一个性情温和轻松的人,所以
     saying “an animal resembles its owner”        can transform an untamed horse to a          操练的马匹也拥有如我一样的性情。相
     proves this point. If a horse with great      willing partner who can be guided to         反,如果练马师的脾气暴躁,那么训练马
     potential is put under the care of bad        perform a series of activities that include  匹的性情也会有着相近的暴躁脾气。”俗
     tempered trainer, it will over time start to  jumping over obstacles. Witnessing these     语说:“物似主人形”,即印证了这个事
     develop behavioral issues, and become an      significant changes before and after         实。一匹原本潜能无限的优秀赛马,如在
     inferior horse. Therefore, a good-natured     training, is very gratifying”                一个性情暴躁的练马师手下操练,长久下
     horse requires a gentle trainer, to bring                                                  来就会受到负面影响而渐渐行为脱序失
     out the best in the horse.                                                                 控,一举从良马变劣马。所以说,本质优
     Not every animal can rely on training to                                                   才能发挥正面影响呢!
     follow orders to complete a task. Apart
     from house pets such as dogs, horses                                                       不是所有动物都能靠后天训练,服从主人
                                                   慧眼识良驹                                        外,马就是另一种能高度配合主人指令的
                                                   练马师的职责除了操练赛马以外,还需为                           长时间付出爱心与耐心才能成功“教育”
                                                   马主或马场物色收购精良好马。以汤培信                           它。
                                                   出一匹马的优秀与否呢?“事实上,评断                           “我觉得一个好的练马师必须先体会到马
                                                   一匹马优秀与否并没有固定的准则可言。                           匹未被驯服的狂野一面。从中,你可以见
                                                   不过我唯一深信的是,优秀赛马必然具备                           识到一匹马从一开始的桀骜不驯,难以驾
                                                   一种特质,那就是良好的态度;无论是平                           驭,到经过一段时日的训练后所展现的驯
                                                   时操练或比赛时。此外,拥有好食欲与强                           服自律,能配合策马者的指示,完成一连
                                                   壮体格也很重要。这些年来,我所遇过的                           串如跨越障碍等动作。这前后的巨大改变
                                                   冠军赛马都有一个共同点,那就是体格健                           是非常具有意义的。”

     Thompson giving his horse morning workout.

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