Page 131 - Majestic Vol4
P. 131
Locally sourced natural pinewood used in the 全栋建筑采用高山松木建造而成,搭配素雅白色空
construction of the resort has been seamlessly 间,韵透出一股恬淡温暖感,完美诠释出瑞士的文
integrated into the elegant minimalist space, 化精髓 --“低调的奢华”。崇尚慢活健康主义的酒
projecting a sense of serenity and a cozy ambience. 店,也为宾客提供瑞士风味的精致有机餐饮,抚慰人
This appreciation for the understated perfectly 心,净化味蕾。
reflects the Swiss culture. In line with the resort’s
philosophy on slow and healthy living, guests are 邻近酒店的滑雪场,独享恬静而幽丽的氛围,让人避
provided with organic Swiss traditional cuisine to 开拥挤吵闹的滑雪人潮,自在玩乐。滑雪场内设有全
tantalize the palate. 长32公里的滑雪道,概括各级别难度,可满足不同程
The ski slope in the vicinity allows for a multitude 斜坡,让经验丰富的滑雪好手挑战极限。
of snow-related activities amidst the peaceful and
beautiful surroundings away from the crowd. With
excellent pistes stretching 32km of all degrees
of difficulty, the slopes can satisfy any skill level.
Additionally, the 1000-metre downhill run is a
paradise for experienced skiers and snowboarders.