Page 52 - Majestic Vol 5 R3a (1)-PDF
P. 52
CHC jockey Brad Rawiller
talking to CHC Chairman
Li Na (R) 李娜(右) This year, China Horse Club was an becoming increasingly pivotal in the
integral part of the Carnival, with international horse racing arena.
Wan Shi Pin & Michael Wallace three horses, Extreme Choice, Russian
万世平,迈克尔·华莱士 Revolution and First Seal competing on 此次,CHC杰士马主俱乐部也放马出赛,参
Derby Day as well as the stunning steed 与这个 世 界 级 的 盛 事,旗 下 赛 马 分 别 在 德
50 MAjestic Auvray, who was in the running for the 比日出赛的“极选”(Extreme Choice)、
Melbourne Cup. “俄国先锋”(Russian Revolution)及“第
一封印”(First Seal),和在墨尔本杯日出赛
Among the VIP guests at the Melbourne 的“奥 夫雷”( A u v r ay ),与来自全 球的 赛 驹
Cup Carnival were top tier members of 争夺最高荣誉。
the CHC. They were cordially hosted
at the elegant VIP lounge of the iconic C H C 杰士马主俱 乐 部 的中国马主 贵 宾 们 也
Flemington Racecourse, where they 参与其盛,来到了著名的费明顿赛马场。贵
savoured an exquisite five-course lunch 宾们 在 这 里获 得了顶级 贵宾 礼 遇 的 招 待,
and sipped fine champagne. Under 在 拥 有 无限 距 视 觉 的 贵 宾 包 厢 里,边 享用
special arrangements made by the CHC, 精 美 的 五 道 菜 午 餐,边 观赏紧 张 刺 激 的 赛
VIP guests were also given exclusive 事。贵宾们也在CHC的独家安排下,得以马
access to the Parade ring. The CHC’s 主的身 份 进 入 亮马圈,在 3 0 万 现 场 观 众前
member May You who partook in the 享受顶 级礼 遇 。参 与盛 会 的 C H C 马主 尤 湄
Carnival excitedly expressed: “What a 激动地 表示:“如此顶级国际的赛马盛事
memorable experience it is to be a part 现场,散发的高雅和奢华的氛围,高大上的
of a prestigious world-class racing event 珍贵体验,真是让人毕生难忘!”
amid such an elegant and lavish setting!”
此 届 墨尔 本 杯 嘉 年 华,也 邀 请 到中国 网 球
This year, Chinese tennis star Li Na 明星李娜出任形象大使,为此活 动助力。
was also invited to be an ambassador 这也是继去年一月在悉尼皇家兰域赛马场
for the Melbourne Cup. This gesture (Royal Randwick)举行首届中国赛马节
by the Australian horse racing fraternity (Chinese Festival of Racing)后,澳大利
follows last January’s Chinese Festival 亚马圈再次融入中国文化元素,可见中国势
of Racing at the Royal Randwick 力在国际马圈的影响力日渐重大。
Racecourse and is a sign that China is