Page 22 - Majestic Vol 6
P. 22

Top 10CHC                                                Highlights

01               The China Horse Club (CHC) has a
   JOINING       firm presence in Australian racing and
HANDS TO         breeding, having established a close      China Horse Club Carbine Stakes 卡宾俱乐部锦标赛
CREATE A         relationship with the driving force
BRIGHTER         of Australian racing, the Australian      China Horse Club George Ryder Stakes乔治雷德锦标赛
                 Tu r f Club (ATC ) . Fol low ing its
   FUTURE        sponsorship of the China Horse          澳 大 利亚一直以 来 都 是 C H C 的 赛 事及育
                 Club Breeders Classic at The Star       马重地之一,与当地的速 度赛马推广者
           携手共进  Chinese Festival of Racing, the CHC     —— 澳大利亚赛马会一直保有紧密的合
                 once again affirmed its support for     作 关 系 。C H C 继 华人春 节 期 间 冠 名赞 助
                 Australian racing by being official     了星 港·华人赛 马节的 C H C 育 马 者 经 典
                 sponsor of the Group 1 AUD1 million     赛(China Horse Club Breeders Classic)
                 China Horse Club George Ryder           后,再次彰显 对当地赛 事的全力支持,
                 Stakes and the G3 AUD200,000            于2017悉尼秋季赛马嘉年华期间冠名
                 China Horse Club Carbine Club           赞助了总奖金100万澳币的G1 CHC乔治
                 Stakes in the 2017 Sydney Autumn        雷德锦标赛(China Horse Club George
                 Racing Carnival. This is the second     Ryder Stakes)及总奖金20万澳币的G3
                 consecutive year that the CHC has       CHC卡宾俱乐部锦标赛(China Horse
                 sponsored the George Ryder Stakes,      Club Carbine Stakes)。值得一提的是,
                 both of which were claimed by super     今年是CHC第二次冠名赞助乔治雷德锦
                 mare Winx in her 8th and 16th           标赛,并连续两年成就了明星赛马“云丝
                 consecutive wins. The ATC has been a    仙子”的第8次及第16次的连胜!澳大利
                 Platinum Partner at the 2016 and 2017   亚赛马会也是2016及2017 CECF国际驭
                 China Equine Cultural Festival.         马文化节的白金赞助商。

             China Horse Club Breeders Classic育马者经典赛

20 MAjestic
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