Page 24 - Majestic Vol 6
P. 24
The China Horse Club’s world-class C H C 杰士马主俱 乐 部 旗 下生 活 风 尚设 施
facility, The Alpina Mountain Resort —— 瑞士爱宾 娜滑雪水 疗度假 酒 店 荣 获
and Spa, became the only Swiss hotel 由德国健康身心协会所颁发的2017健康
to win the Wellness & Spa Innovation 水 疗 革 新 大 奖 。爱宾 娜滑 雪 水 疗度 假 酒
Award 2017 presented by the German 店以 其 独 特 的 G O U R M E D n e s s 优 食健
Wellness Association. Through its 活概念,结合住宿、美食及贴近大自然的
unique GOURMEDness health 养生活动,推出了针对身心合一的住宿配
care concept, guests can relax, enjoy 套 。住 客 不 仅 可 在 度 假 之 余享受 到当地
gourmet cuisine and rejuvenate amidst 天然食材入馔的健 康美食,也可通过 所
natural mountain surroundings. A 拟定的活动行程,参与不同性 质的养生
holiday of relaxation is combined with 舒活 课程配套。爱宾娜酒店是瑞士唯一
culinary pleasure and an extensive 一家推行GOURMEDness优食健活概
health care programme to support 念的酒店,这使其在此次的甄选中脱 颖
and maintain mental and physical 而出。 除此之外,酒店也被评选为该地
wellbeing. Being the first Swiss hotel 域排名前三的浪漫酒店及四星级酒店。
to launch this initiative, the Alpina
was recognised for its trendsetting
concept. In addition, the hotel was
ranked top 3 for the most romantic
hotel in the 4 star hotel category.
22 MAjestic