Page 122 - MAjestic v7
P. 122
Photography By Coady
Bob Baffert, trainer of China Horse Club’s Grade and entrepreneurs who have enjoyed success in business and
I Kentucky Oaks winner Abel Tasman, Kentucky turned to him as the key to the glamour and pageantry of
Derby and Preakness Stakes winner Justify is the international racing society.
essence of ‘cool’ in the world of thoroughbred racing. He’s
also a case study in how thoroughbred racing can provide a 要在热闹的赛 场上把巴富达认出其实并不难。只要在人群中
ticket to the world’s coolest settings. 定睛 搜寻 那位 头发 稍 长 且带 着灰白发色,戴 着 一副墨 镜,穿着
Baffert is easy to spot on the racetrack. Look for the longish, 物,毋 庸 置 疑,那 就 是巴富达了。尽管 他 举 手 投 足 间 流 露 出 淡
prematurely white hair, tinted sunglasses and, usually, a 定 从容,但 他 所操 练 的 赛 马,却 蕴 散出 炽 烈的战斗火 焰,皇者
starched white shirt over blue jeans and cowboy boots. Look 的风 度 加 上 皇马的战 意,顿时形成了一股 强 大 的 气 场,让 人 无
also for a laid-back attitude that often hides a fierce devotion 法忽视。
to the horses in his care, to his owners and to the sport that
has been so good to him. 巴富达到底有多牛?
How good has it been? 因赛马缘故,他从一个人烟罕迹的畜牧之境—— 美国西南方
属亚利桑 那州的诺加利斯,远走他乡来到充满梦想的富饶之
Racing has taken Baffert from his family’s dusty ranch 地 ——加 利 福 尼 亚 州。在 这个 地 方,他不仅 结 识了许 多热 爱 纯
country in Nogales, Arizona, in the American south-west, 血马的企业家、大亨及 皇 室贵族们,让他在这个领域 施 展才
to the loftiest of heights – rubbing shoulders with royalty 华,从而开启了他的荣耀之旅,甚至入选赛马名人堂。
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