Page 127 - MAjestic v7
P. 127

by men from Xinjiang. Having spent more than 20 years          has stables established in Xinjiang, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan,
helming Yema Trading Group, Chen has established Yema          Russia and Beijing that house over 300 ‘blood-sweating’
as a leading foreign trade enterprise in Xinjiang, whose core  horses. This unique breed, also known as the Ferghana horse,
businesses include international economy and trade, financial  Dayuan horse or Heavenly horse, is believed to have come
investment and cultural tourism. However, people who know      from the ancient kingdom of Dayuan in the Ferghana valley,
Chen will tell you that horses are still his first love.       and is much revered for its endurance, speed and toughness.

“ Don’t call me boss, call me groom,” Chen says and even has   在陈志峰身上,散发着一股新疆男子的率性和气概。作为野马
his Weibo social media user name listed as ‘Han Xue Groom’.    集团的掌舵人,他用了20多年的时间把野马集团打造成新疆外
The Chinese words, Han Xue, translates literally as ‘sweats    贸的龙头企业,业务涵括了外经外贸、金融投资及文化旅游。不
blood’, referring to his prized ‘blood-sweating’ horses. Chen  过,熟悉他的人都知道,这位商业奇才最爱的,还是马。

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