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His outward attitude seems to say: “Be cool, man. Good World Cup programme. The mutual respect between the
things happen.” It’s a great public ‘face’, cracked only Arab royal and Arizona cowboy was such that when Baffert
occasionally and usually when something good happens suffered a serious heart attack in Dubai in 2012, Sheikh
– like his first Kentucky Derby victory with perhaps his all- Mohammed had him taken to the royal hospital suite and
time favourite horse, Silver Charm, or the 2017 Kentucky treated by his own physician.
Oaks win by Abel Tasman in the red and yellow silks of the
China Horse Club. New avenues opened for the silver-haired trainer when he was
approached by representatives of Prince Khalid Abdullah,
“I come from Quarters. It’s been an exciting life,” Baffert a member of the Saudi royal family and head of Juddmonte
says, referencing the American Quarter Horses he started Farms, a top-shelf, worldwide breeding and racing operation.
riding on the family ranch and later rode in races, then
trained. He rose through the ranks with that breed, 他 身上总是 表 现 着“放 轻 松 点 朋友,好 事 就 来叩门了”的轻 松
working for some of America’s wealthiest entrepreneurs, 模样,就像是他的官方表情一样,不过当“好事”真的来临时,
and movers and shakers. A subset of those clients also had 他 就 开始“原形 毕露”了:譬 如 他 最 钟爱的 赛 马“银色魅力”为
thoroughbreds and Baffert made the switch in the 1980s. 他赢得第一个肯塔基德比胜利时;又或者2017年,由CHC杰士
马主俱乐 部麾 下的“探 险 家”也为 他 拿 下肯 塔 基橡树 大赛冠 军
His star rose quickly there, too, with his big breakthrough 头衔的一刻,欣喜若狂模样立刻展现。
coming when Thirty Slews won the Grade I Breeders’ Cup
Sprint in 1992 at Gulfstream Park in Florida. Thirty Slews “我 从小就与夸特马为伴。那段日子是我人生中最美 好的时
was the trainer’s first-ever purchase at a yearling auction – 光。”巴富达说。他自幼就在家族牧场中骑策美国夸特马为乐,
and an 18-1 longshot. Baffert was relatively unknown before 长 大 后 进 入赛 马界又以骑 策 美国 夸 特马为业,进而亲驯。在赛
that. Afterward, he quickly became a face – in many ways, 场 上 屡 建奇功的 夸 特马,为 他 在 业界 建 立 名声,与此 同 时,他
the face – of American racing. 开始为美国上流阶级的爱马人士操练赛马。由于他的客户的亲
The big wins in important races quickly piled up. Since 19 9 2年,他 所操 练的“三十好汉”在佛罗里 达 湾 流园马场 举 办
Thirty Slews, Baffert has won 13 more Breeders’ Cup races, 的育马者杯短 途一级赛中胜出,从而让他的职 涯跨出了一大
including three straight renewals of the Grade I Classic, the 步。“三十 好 汉”是巴富 达在 周 岁 拍 卖 会上 拍 得 的 首 匹自购 赛
premier race of the Breeders’ Cup series. In 1997 and again 马,当时出赛 不是 大 热 门,最 终以18 -1的高 赔率夺冠 。经 过 此
in 1998, his horses won the first two legs of the American 役后,巴富达声势大涨,一举成为美国赛马界的当红人物。
Triple Crown, the Grade I Kentucky Derby and the Grade
I Preakness Stakes, only to finish second in the last race, the 名扬海外
Grade I Belmont Stakes.
在巴富达 成名后,胜 利之神 依然 眷 顾 着 他,他在 育马者杯一共
Baffert finally checked off the Triple Crown box on his 缔 造了超 过 13 次的胜 利纪 录!19 9 7年 和19 9 8 年,他 所操 练的
resume in 2016 when a remarkable colt named American 赛 马连 续 夺 得 美 国 三冠 王 的 前 两站 赛 事 冠 军,也 就 是肯 塔 基
Pharoah swept the series, becoming the first American 德比一级赛和普里克内斯一级锦标赛,至于第三站赛事贝尔蒙
Triple Crown winner since Affirmed in 1978. 特 一 级 锦 标 赛 则 夺 得亚 军 殊 荣 。而巴富 达 包 揽 美 国 三 冠 王 霸
主梦 想,终 于在 2 015 年由他操 练的 传奇马王“美 国法 老”身上
It would require a small book to detail all of Bafferts’ 实现,这匹俊伟不凡的马王同时也是自1978年以来的首个美国
successes in American racing but Arrogate is as good a place 三冠 王 赢 家!此 外,他在美国 赛 马界所 创下的 成 就不胜 枚 举,
as any to detour into his international prowess. 当中,他 所操 练 的 名驹“ 擅 取”所 缔 造 的 胜 利 纪 录,足以 展 示
Before Arrogate, Baffert was no stranger to international 说 巴富达 是国 际 赛 事 的“名人”一点也 不为 过 。他 所 训 练 的 赛
racing. He had won the Group 1 Dubai World Cup in 1998 马“银色魅力”曾在1998年的迪拜世界杯”夺冠,事隔三年后,
with Silver Charm and again in 2001 with Captain Steve. 赛马“施队长”再度加冕。2015年,“神秘集团”也为他夺下迪
He won the Group 1 Dubai Golden Shaheen in 2015 with 拜金莎轩一级锦标赛冠军。
Secret Circle.
Baffert’s competitive spirit and his boundless enthusiasm 拉伯 联合酋长国副总 理、迪 拜酋长 兼 迪 拜世界 杯创办人—— 穆
quickly made him a favourite of Sheikh Mohammed bin 罕默德·本·拉希德·阿勒马克图姆的青睐。2012年,巴富达在
Rashid al Maktoum, vice president of the United Arab 迪拜突发心脏病,酋长当即把他送往皇家医院接受专属医生治
Emirates, ruler of Dubai and the creator of the Dubai 疗,可见他们的交情匪浅。
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