Page 128 - MAjestic v7
P. 128


              In Chen’s opinion, living in Xinjiang, at the heart of the          platform to facilitate cultural exchanges between the people
              ancient Silk Road, has brought him closer to the Ferghana           of Xinjiang and Central Asia, and, in doing so, helped
              horse. After Chen expanded Yema Trading Group into the              promote Xinjiang’s art and culture. One notable deed of
              cultural industry, the first thing that he did was to import these  Chen involves the mausoleum of Emperor Wu of Han.
              horses that have a historical role in animal diplomacy back to
              China. In his effort to bring the best of Ferghana horses back      Chen believes that had it not been for Zhang Qian, the first
              to China, Chen made over 10 field trips to Turkmenistan             diplomatic envoy sent by Emperor Wu of the Han dynasty
              in 2010 before importing his first batch of 23 horses. More         to the West, where he reported the discovery of the ‘blood-
              imports from Central Asia were made subsequently.                   sweating’ Ferghana horse, this unique breed of horse would
                                                                                  not have existed in the history of China. The Ferghana horse is
              To date, Chen owns the world ’s largest collection of               a testament to the existence of the Silk Road, the major route
              Ferghana horses, with more than 300 to his name, on top             of transcontinental trade that played an important role in the
              of his collection of thoroughbreds, Warmbloods, Oldenburg           nation’s history. In June 2014, together with his wife and son,
              horses, Friesian horses, American miniature horses and              Chen led two of his prized Ferghana horses from Xinjiang
              ponies, among others.                                               to Shanxi, where the mausoleum of Emperor Wu is located.
                                                                                  They paid homage to the late emperor and the horses stayed in
              NO CULTURE, NO SOUL                                                 Shanxi to keep the late emperor company.
              Chen may be a business magnate, but I feel that he is an
              artist at heart, with a strong conviction about conserving          “Emperor Wu’s ingenuity resulted in vast territorial expansions
              the rich heritage of his country. Prior to founding Yema            and the creation of a flourishing state. Thousands of years later,
              Trading Group in 1991, Chen had been a soldier in the               I brought the Ferghana horses to the ancient city of Xi’an, so
              People’s Liberation Army. He had also worked as a miner             that the city can inherit these horses that used to be a part of
              and an art editor in a local newspaper.                             the country’s rich cultural heritage, and the city too can expand
                                                                                  culturally because of it. The emphasis now is on teaching children
              After making his fortune in foreign trading, Chen                   the creative arts, but we have neglected to impart to them the
              demonstrated his love for the arts by dedicating most of his        importance of physical and character building. I hope that,
              efforts to the cultural aspect of the business. Chen created a      through my efforts, the new generation will take a greater interest

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