Page 132 - MAjestic v7
P. 132





                                                                   文 / 包杰菲 BY BOB KIECKHFER
                                                                          PHOTOGRAPHY BY ALEX EVERS & COADY

              Driving into Roswell, New Mexico, at night can                  Justify’s heady rise. Smith has guided him in each of his
                         be a disorienting experience. The small town’s       five career starts and will not part company from a colt who
                         streetlights emit an eerie glow and feature painted  seems to have untapped ability.
              eyes that make them look like the heads of space aliens.
              It’s a reference to the town’s main claim to fame – the legend  行驶有些 恼人 。小镇中的路 灯照射出怪 诞的风格,就像 是 给 这
              that a flying saucer crash-landed nearby in 1947 and that       座曾传言发现过外星人的城市笼罩上了一层神秘色彩。相信这
              the US Air Force hushed it up, hiding the bodies in a secret    座城 市的 传奇已 经 无需 详述 ——19 47年媒体 报 道飞 碟 坠落 事
              facility called Area 51 in nearby Nevada.                       件让 这 里名声大噪,美国空军 藏 起 外星 人 尸体,存放 在临近内
              But if the alleged UFO is Roswell’s top tourist attraction,
              arguably its most successful export is not an alien but,        虽说U F O 是罗斯 维尔最 大的旅 游“特产”,但当地 最瞩目的
              rather, Mike Smith – one of the world’s top jockeys and         “出产品”并非隐藏在51区的“天外来客”,而是那位享誉世界
              the pilot of the China Horse Club’s star filly, Abel Tasman     的顶级骑师——史文夫,正是这位在赛马界名声响亮的骑师,
              and its champion colt Justify. When Abel Tasman won             策骑着CHC杰士俱乐部的三岁明星雌马“探险家”及“正义”,
              America’s most prestigious race for three-year-old fillies,     赢得了2017肯塔基橡树大赛及2018肯塔基德比大赛和必利时
              the Kentucky Oaks, in 2017 it was Smith who was her             锦标赛。
                                                                              在 三岁母马的顶级 舞台 —— 橡树 大赛中获 胜 之 后,“探 险 家”
              Abel Tasman, of course, went on to win the Acorn Stakes         持续发威,相继在贝尔蒙特收获橡树果锦标赛和马车会美国橡
              (G1) at Belmont Park and the Coaching Club American             树赛双料冠军。夏日的“完美三连冠”也奠定了“探险家”当选
              Oaks (G1) at Saratoga that summer – a ‘trifecta’ that would     日蚀奖2017年度“最佳三岁雌马”的基础。而今年的“正义”,
              see her named Champion three-year-old filly for 2017. All       也完美地完成了三冠王的首两场赛事,作为他们“最佳拍档”
              wins came under Smith’s hand. The same can be said for          的史文夫,也成了最热门的话题。

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