Page 24 - MAjestic v7
P. 24
03 “加勒比海之珠”综合开
AWARD FOR INVEST 海之星控 股公司(CHC兄弟公司)所投
SAINT LUCIA 资发 展的“加勒比海之珠”综合 开发项
目,获 得了2 0 18 年 度 投 资大 会所 颁 发的
Invest Saint Lucia won the best 投资大奖(拉丁美洲及加勒比区域)。年
Investment Promotion Agency (IPA) 度投资大会是一个国际性的投资大会,
award in the Latin American and 由迪拜政府所 倡议,意在结合全球投资
Caribbean region at the Annual 资源,以 发 展 及 开 拓 更 好 的 投 资机 遇 。
Investment Meeting (AIM) that took “加 勒比 海 之 珠”为一 个市值 2 6 亿 美 元
place in Dubai in April 2018. AIM 集休闲、娱 乐 及 旅 游 为一 体 的 综 合 开发
is an initiative of the UAE Ministry 项目,除了建 造 一 个赛 马场外,还包括 酒
of Economy, aimed at facilitating 店、游 艇 码 头、赌 场娱 乐城、购物商城
strategic networking and promoting 及 滨 海 别 墅 等。此 项目经 过 投 资大 会 委
investments in growing markets. 员会的精细评估,一致 通过并认可其对
Invest Saint Lucia won the award for 圣卢 西 亚 未 来 经 济发 展可 带 来 的 经 济增
its initiatives, mainly the DSH Pearl of 长效益。
the Caribbean Development Project,
which attracted a substantial amount
of foreign direct investment into Saint
Lucia. Launched by DSH Caribbean
Star (an affiliate of the China Horse
Club), the Pearl of the Caribbean is
a USD2.6 billion project that will
feature, amongst others, a racecourse,
resort, marina, casino, entertainment
outlets, shopping mall and villas. The
project was given due consideration
by the investment committee and
is touted to bolster Saint Lucia’s
economic growth.
22 MAjestic