Page 52 - MAjestic v7
P. 52





                                           文 / 温 丽 琴 BY KHIM VOON

                                                                             expanse of greenery against the backdrop of the magnificent
                                                                             Mount Korbu, the second highest peak in the Main Range
                                                                             of Peninsula Malaysia. Famed for its unique design, the
                                                                             51-year-old Grandstand remains one of the iconic buildings
                                                                             in the city of Ipoh.

                                                                             In March this year, CHC secured the naming rights to the
                                                                             races staged by PRTC and participated in the race meeting
                                                                             for the f irst time. All 16 races held over the weekend
                                                                             were named after CHC-owned horses. Teo Ah Khing,
                                                                             Chairman of the CHC, was on hand to present the CHC
                                                                             Friendship Trophy to the winner of Race 3 on Sunday.
                                                                             Coincidentally, CHC’s A La Victory also competed in Race
                                                                             4. Trained by Frank Maynard, this was the six-year-old’s
                                                                             third start in Malaysia.

             The China Horse Club (CHC) extended its support                 一直以来,CHC杰士马主俱乐部与马来西亚霹雳州赛马公会都
                       of the Perak Turf Club (PRTC) with the CHC            保有深厚的情谊。在过去几届的CECF国际驭马文化节,霹雳州
                       Friendship Trophy that was run for the first time at  赛马公会都派出赛事专业人员为大会提供技术支援,让赛事得
             PRTC. Besides the trophy, each of the races staged over the     以顺利举行。
             weekend was named after CHC horses.
                                                                             霹雳州赛 马 公 会成 立于18 8 6 年,为马来 亚赛 马 联 合 会的一 份
             There has been close rapport between CHC and PRTC in            子(旗 下会员包括 槟 城赛 马公 会、雪兰莪赛 马公 会及 新加 坡赛
             recent years, with PRTC playing an instrumental role in         马公 会)。坐落于山城怡 保 的 赛 马场 被 绿 意 所 环抱,背 着西马
             providing the expertise of experienced racing officials to      半岛第二高山峰古保山,可谓景色怡人。马场看台虽然已拥有
             ensure success in the running of past CECF events.              51年历史,不 过因 其 独 特 的设 计,至今 依然为当地 的一 个标 志
             Established in 1886, PRTC is a member of the Malayan
             Racing Association, whose other members comprise the            今年三月,CHC杰士马主俱乐部首次以冠名方式参与了霹雳州
             Penang Turf Club, Selangor Turf Club and Singapore              赛马公会所举办的赛事,那个周末的两天共16场赛事皆以CHC
             Turf Club. The Perak Turf Club is surrounded by a vast          旗下的赛马名字命名。CHC主席张祖德也亲临现场,以特别嘉

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