Page 82 - MAjestic v7
P. 82




            Allen Chastanet
     Leading For St Lucia


                                                                     文 / 贝 莉 丝 BY CHRISTIE DEBERNARDIS

             St Lucia Prime Minister Allen Chastanet proved from        and he began to make good on that promise immediately
                    the moment he took office that he was a man of his  after taking office.
                    word, a man of action and a man determined to move
             both his people and country forward.                       时间总是能 证明一切。自圣卢西 亚 总 理 艾伦·切 斯 特尼阁下宣
                                                                        誓成 为总 理 的一年多,他 身 体力行,用行 动 验 证了自己是 一 位
             Leader of the United Workers Party, Chastanet              守信誉,并把国家及人民利益放在首位的总理。
             previously served as St Lucia’s Minister of Tourism and
             Civil Aviation, and was also the managing director of      今年57岁的艾伦·切斯特尼是联合工人党党主席。在担任总理
             the island’s Coco Palm Hotel. The 57-year-old won the      一职 前,他曾 经出任 圣 卢 西 亚 旅 游 和民 用航 空 部 长,此 外,具
             Micoud South parliament seat in 2016 and, in June of       有商业锐度的他也是一名商人,曾担任牙买加航空公司市场营
             that year, was sworn in as Prime Minister. Chastanet’s     销副主席及可可棕榈酒店的执行董事。从这些履历上可看出,
             campaign slogan was ‘We will build a new St Lucia’,        切斯特尼的确在商业经济领域上拥有前瞻的独到眼光。

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