Page 51 - Majestic V8
P. 51
Text| IRENE SAM 文| 沈爱莲
Images Courtesy of LONGINES
Wearing a flower embroidered low- made her debut opposite Tony Leung, one of Asia’s
cut dress while cruising through most respected actors.
narrow canals on a gondola inside
The Venetian Macao’s shopping 身 着 花 纹 刺 绣、贴 身 连 衣 裙 的 浪 琴表 优 雅 形 象 大使林 志
area, Longines Ambassador of Elegance Lin Chiling 玲,端 庄 地 坐 在 一 艘 缓 缓 驶 於 澳 门 威 尼 斯人 度 假 村 运 河 购
waves at her fans, some of whom have been waiting 物区的贡多拉船上,向屏息等待她多时的粉丝招手致意。对
for hours with bated breath. For many, a glimpse of 于 很 多喜 爱 她 的 人 来 说,能 够 一 睹 真 人 风 采 足 以 成 为 这一
her beauty is the ultimate goal for the day. To their 天最令人满足的事情。毕竟在他们的内心深处,林志玲近乎
hearts’ content, Chiling is indeed nothing short of 是 完 美 的 化 身。她 身材 高 挑 纤 细,举止优 雅,浑 身 散 发着 女
picture perfect. Gracefully slender, tall and with a 性的优雅气质,是很多女性梦寐以求且想要效仿的对象。而
poise that exudes femininity, she represents an ideal 且,作 为 公 众 人物,在 精 美 的 妆 容 和 优 雅 姿 态 之 外,她 谈吐
many women aspire to become. Yet, underneath the 之间所流露出的智慧和坦诚亦令人倾慕。
exquisitely applied makeup and trained gestures of a
public persona, her intelligence and sincerity clearly “坦白说,当我年轻的时候,我真的很在意别人是怎么
shine through in conversation. 看待我的,尤其是当很多人都叫我‘花瓶’的时候。”她坦诚
“To be honest, when I was younger, I really cared 楚只要自己保持积极的态度,就会对自己有信心。外界的看
about how others perceived me, especially when I was 法现在已经干扰不了我了。”
called ‘a vase’,” she admits. “But now I have grown
out of it. I have matured and learned that, as long as I “花瓶”是个贬义词,在中文语境里用来形容只有外表
remain positive, I will feel good about myself. External 而没有智慧的女性。林志 玲显然不是这样。在过往十年的
comments do not bother me anymore.” 职业生涯中,她不仅在模特和演员这两个领域取得成就,更
开 始 从事 慈 善 事业。她 的 首 次 职 业 生 涯 的 突 破 是 从模 特 到
Far from being a ‘vase,’ a word used to demean a 演员,彼时她在传奇导演吴宇森执导的电影《赤壁》中饰演
lady who only has looks and no intellect in Chinese 重要角色,和知名演员梁朝伟上演对手戏。
society, Chiling has established herself as a successful
model, actress and philanthropist over more than a
decade into her career. Her breakthrough came when
she crossed into the world of cinema, playing a role in
legendary director John Woo’s film “Red Cliff” She
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