Page 67 - Majestic Vol4
P. 67

“You have to keep challenging yourself      to stand on an equal footing with their
                                                     throughout your lifetime to become a        overseas counterparts. He points out that
                                                     better person,” Dato Tan explains.          the thoroughbreds in Inner Mongolia can
                                                                                                 compete with or mix their blood with the
                                                     It is a new challenge for him to back       thoroughbreds from the rest of the world.
                                                     CHC, granting the organization a 50         The region can effectively be a hub for
                                                     year inheritance – his experiences and      the thoroughbred nursery.
                                                     knowledge about horse nursery, making
                                                     way for new strength and successes. He      The equestrian industry will provide
                                                     also shares wisdom to provide precious      more jobs and business opportunities for
                                                     nursery expertise and capital for CHC.      China in the future, and will let the world
                                                                                                 witness China’s successful endeavors once
                                                     “I once thought Teo Ah Khing is only        again. In Dato Tan’s eyes, this is beyond
                                                     good at marketing and promotion, but        a dream; it is an approachable ideal.
                                                     his courage to start a career and his       Everyone can find better versions of
                                                     decisiveness impresses me,” says Dato       themselves here.
                                                     Years of experience have honed Tan’s        场的指挥棒,赛马场上的战绩彪炳更是人
                                                     handle on people and situations. He         生无憾的勋章。然而年龄并无损他对赛马
                                                     admires Teo’s actions in recent years with  事业的眼光,也无阻他对这个产业的热
                                                     the CHC taking off within a short period    诚。作为CHC杰士马主俱乐部的创始国
                                                     of time and all efforts geared to develop   际顾问团一员,这个俱乐部所肩负的使命
                                                     and spur the equestrian industry in the     及提供的独特商业价值及其即将对社会经
                                                     Chinese Mainland the greatest of heights    济所带来的冲击和改变,看在拿督陈振南
                                                     After joining the CHC, First Seal is his    眼里,依然引起他莫大的兴趣。“在生命
                                                     perfect combination with the club: It       里,你一定要持续对自己发出挑战,以寻
                                                     keeps winning on racecourses, and was       找一个更好的自己。”支持CHC杰士马
                                                     crowned the NSW Racehorse of the Year       主俱乐部并传承50年的育马经验,也是
                                                     for the 2014/15 season.                     拿督陈振南对自己发出的挑战之一,在资
                                                     In terms of future development of CHC       贵的经验与智慧。
                                                     and the Chinese equestrian industry,
                                                     Dato Tan says China is fully capable        “曾经我以为张祖德只不过是擅长推销,
Napoleon Bonaparte once said: ‘It’s                                                              目相看。"拿督陈振南坦承阅人无数,
better to be a lucky general than a                                                              这次却也差点看走了眼;CHC杰士马主
smart one.’ Indisputably, fortune                                                                俱乐部在短短数年起飞且气势磅礴地带动
still has its role on pitch. In life, we                                                         了中国的马产业,来到一个前所未见的高
have to learn to be unhurried when                                                               度,让他非常欣赏张祖德的行动力。加入
winning and losing, but we can enjoy                                                             CHC杰士马主俱乐部,“第一封印”就是
the winning at the same time.                                                                    他和CHC杰士马主俱乐部之间最美妙的


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