Page 90 - Majestic Vol4
P. 90
Image courtesy of Tammie Brown Photography The leap from Daredevil to a
comprehensive racing and breeding
Teo Ah Khing, Kenny Troutt & Elliott Walden 张祖德、 肯尼·特罗特及埃利奥特·沃尔登 program has been purposeful and
calculated and been made in less than
COLLABORATION A do with other premium partners in the 18 months. For several years the China
world like Coolmore, Newgate Farm, Horse Club had been watching the
CORNERSTONE OF SUCCESS Qatar Racing and Vinery Stud etc. We United States and, once a foothold was
work in their interests because their best established, it moved with precision.
The founding partner in this region has interests are our interests as well.”
become WinStar Farm, the all-powerful “After the interest in Daredevil was
stallion operation owned by Kenny Troutt. 携手是迈向成功的基石 secured and a relationship with WinStar
Troutt is an entrepreneur who founded Farm was established the club moved
Excel Communications (the youngest CHC在美国的合作伙伴是由亿万富豪肯 quickly to both capitalize on opportunities
company to reach a billion dollars in 尼·特罗特先生 (Kenny Troutt) 所拥有 and to support this new partnership,” said
revenue annually in US history), has a 的全美最具影响力的赢星育马场。肯尼· Eden Harrington, Vice President and
penchant for the Dallas Cowboys, a belief 特罗特是埃克塞尔通信公司(美国史上 Head (Partnerships/Membership).
in strong family values and a love of horse 最快速赚取上亿年收入的新立公司)的创
racing. It was also Troutt who saw the 办人。他不仅一直对赛马运动抱有热忱之 “A series of high quality young broodmares
value in extending the hand of friendship 心,同时也坚信“大家庭”的价值观,而 were targeted and secured at the 2014
and welcoming the China Horse Club 这些理念正好与CHC不谋而合。此前,特 Keeneland November Breeding Stock
into the fold with the opportunity to buy 罗特递出了橄榄枝,把一级锦标赛马冠军 Sale and at Fasig Tipton. These mares
an interest in the G1 winning juvenile 青壮种公马“超胆侠”(Daredevil)股 reside at WinStar Farm and many have
Daredevil. The gesture was the first 份与CHC共享,双方也因此建立了深厚的 supported WinStar’s stallions. In 2015
building block of a relationship which 友好合作关系。至目前为止,CHC在美国 partnerships were also formed with
has diversified and grown and which 所拥有的纯血马已接近70匹之多。 WinStar Farm and others to buy quality
now sees the China Horse Club’s interest yearlings both in the United States and
in thoroughbreds in the region number “一座建筑的稳健与否,主要视乎其基 Australia and in 2016 our club moved
nearly 70. 础是否扎实坚固。同样的道理适用于合
“A building is only as strong as its 奠基于双方的互信,互助与互惠精神之
foundations and the same principle 上。”CHC杰士马主俱乐部主席张祖德
applies with relationships. Relationships 说道。
only work when there is a strong base
of mutual support and trust and where “我对肯尼·特罗特与赢星育马场怀着深
both parties are working to benefit each 深的敬意,尤其对他们的专业团队所达致
other,” said Teo Ah Khing, Founder and 的成就,更是钦佩不已。我们和赢星育马
Chairman of the China Horse Club. 场的合作始于2014年,当时我们成功入
“I have enormous respect for Kenny 开始,我们一直给予对方最毫无保留的支
Troutt and WinStar Farm and what their 持,这样的合作关系也是我们和库摩育马
team has achieved. The opportunity to 场,新门育马场,卡塔尔赛马公司和葡萄
begin a relationship began in late 2014 园育马场之间长期合作的保证。我们全力
with Daredevil and since then we have 呼应合作伙伴的需求,因为这正是我们双
worked to ensure we support WinStar 方的共同需求。”
Farm as a premium partner just as we