Page 115 - Majestic Vol 5 R3a (1)-PDF
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EXCEPTIONAL EYES                            靠 着自己的天 赋 和努力,晋身成为英女王                     His reply, “Win or lose, the Queen
John Warren’s greatest gift are his eyes.   身边 最 具影响力的 赛 马与育马顾问长 达 2 0                has never had any expectations of her
In the world of equine breeding, it is      年,约翰·沃伦的才能从以下这件事就能看                       horses, except to enjoy and appreciate
common knowledge that His Honorable         出来。过去,英国皇室的纯 血马培育和赛                       the experience. She understands that like
can pick out a steed with tremendous        事 顾 问,都 是由不 同的 经 理 人 或 顾 问 来 担            humans, horses are unpredictable and
potential just by watching the horse at     任,但在英女王伊丽莎白二世陛下的眼中,                       you have to be prepared to accept failure.
rest and when it is walking. Not only       只有约翰·沃伦是首位可以身兼两职的人,                       “As for the reward, that I am still Her
can he tell if a horse might just become    而且 至今尚未有人能 够 超 越他在陛 下眼中                   Majesty’s consultant after all these years-
a superstar of tomorrow, but he is able to  的顾问角色。                                    that is my biggest affirmation.”
predict if the horse will have sustained
success over a few seasons.                 “只有当咨询者(客户)和顾问之间拥有足                       女王的纯种马伯乐
                                            够好的默契和化学作用,能够一起 达到他
Warren drew on his innate talent and        们 想 要 达 到 的目标 时,这个 顾 问 就可 以说              从英国皇室,跨足欧洲名流贵族,最后来到
combined it with a dauntless work ethic     是成功的。”约翰·沃伦对一位好顾问的定                       神 州大 地,协 助 纯 血马产业在 这 里 开 疆 辟
to rise through the ranks to become         义非常简单,但也很不容易做到。                           土,相信这样的机遇不是人人都能胜任,唯
Queen Elizabeth II’s most inf luential                                                独约翰·沃伦的经验与资历,担当此职确实
horse racing and breeding consultant        THE QUEEN’S RIGHT HAND MAN                游刃有余。回顾过去,成功对约翰·沃伦而
for two decades. Previously filled by       From the British royal family to          言,“就是达你想要达到的目标。”他说,仅
different consultants, but the Queen was    European aristocracy to building an       此而已。身为英女王陛下的御用顾问,他最
so impressed by Warren’s skills that she    equine industry in Inner Mongolia, there  大享受和英女王陛下一起 脑力激荡,编排
trusted him to take on both roles.          truly is only one man who is capable of   出各种赛马组合方案,追求最佳的赛果。
                                            shouldering all these responsibilities.
“It is only when consultants (and their     And yet, Warren says his secret to        今 生 至 此,他 从中 得 到 最 佳 的 褒 赏 和 体 悟
clients) have a good understanding and      success is merely about “wanting to       又是什么呢?“女王陛下基本上无所求,赛
chemistry that they can work together to    achieve the goal”.                        事的结果胜利与否,都是一次的学习,她都
achieve their aims,” says Warren of the                                               非常感恩。因为马儿就像人一样,你需要有
deceptively simple yet hard-to-achieve      His fondest memory of his experience as   心理 准备事与愿违。至于褒赏嘛,我到现
definition of the role of an equine         the Queen’s consultant are the times he   在依 然 还 是 陛 下御用的育马与赛 马顾 问,
consultant.                                 spent brainstorming with her to come      就是她给我最大的肯定了。”
                                            up with the ideal breeding and racing
独具慧眼                                        strategies to achieve the best results.

行内的人都公认,约翰·沃伦的天赋,就是                         So, what are the biggest lessons and
拥 有一双 慧 眼,单凭 一匹马 休 息 以 及行 走                 reward he has received from being the
的 姿 态,就 能 推 断马儿 在 赛 道 上 是 否 有 机             Queen’s right hand man for equine-
会胜出成为明日之星,而且能够维持几个赛                         related matters?

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